CodeTools proposal: "JTHarness"

Kevin Looney kevin.looney at
Wed Feb 26 13:39:32 PST 2014

Sorry - the summary should read:

Summary: A software testing harness, used to to drive large-scale Java 
platform testing.

On 2/26/14, 1:31 PM, Kevin Looney wrote:
> Name: JTHarness
> Summary: A collection of tools used to evaluate platform compatibility 
> and API change.
> Proposed by: Kevin Looney
> Rationale:
> JTHarness is already an Open Source project, located under the ME 
> OpenSource infrastructure:
> This is not a proposal for a new project, it is a proposal for a 
> transfer of the JTHarness ( project into the OpenJDK 
> CodeTools community, and moderation under OpenJDK bylaws.
> The JT harness is based on Oracle's JavaTest (TM) Harness. The JT 
> harness is a general purpose, fully-featured, flexible, and 
> configurable test harness very well suited for most types of unit 
> testing. Originally developed as a test harness to run Technology 
> Compatibility Kit (TCK) test suites, it has since evolved into a 
> general purpose test platform.
> The JT harness:
>  * Is designed to configure, sequence, and run test suites that consist
>    of many (100,000 or more) discrete, independent tests. It is
>    especially good at testing APIs and compilers.
>  * Can be used to run tests on all of the Java platforms, from the Java
>    Card platform, to the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition ("Java EE").
>  * Enables you to create test suites that are self-contained products
>    that customers can easily configure and run.
> The JTHarness open source project was created in 2006 - in order to 
> develop a community that will improve the harness, improve software 
> development techniques with respect to platform compatibility, and 
> enhance the development of software test suites. We expect to continue 
> this charter through inclusion in OpenJDK.

kevin.looney at

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