CodeTools proposal: "jdk-microbenchmarks"

Martijn Verburg martijnverburg at
Fri Aug 25 09:00:54 UTC 2017

+1 - Great idea - it will allow a central place for peer reviewed


On 24 August 2017 at 22:09, Jonathan Gibbons <jonathan.gibbons at>

> Eric,
> This seems like a good addition to the Code Tools world.
> -- Jon
> On 08/24/2017 02:01 PM, Eric Caspole wrote:
>> Name: jdk-microbenchmarks
>> Summary: A collection of JMH [0] based microbenchmarks focused on the JDK
>> APIs and JVM functionality.
>> Proposed by: Eric Caspole
>> Rationale:
>> There is not yet any similar collection of JMH benchmarks in OpenJDK, and
>> we have a collection of >200 microbenchmarks covering some of the JDK API
>> that we could place into OpenJDK from earlier closed jdk work.
>> We have seen that JDK developers create useful JMH based micros in the
>> course of their work, but since there is no well known place to save and
>> reuse them, they are forgotten or discarded after a bug is fixed etc, but
>> these micros could be reused for regression testing.
>> This collection of microbenchmarks is intended to remain focused on JDK
>> APIs and JVM features primarily for the current release and the upcoming
>> release in development. At some future time this collection may be used in
>> release performance/regression testing.
>> We would like to place this as a OpenJDK/codetools sub-project.
>> [0] -

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