Better jcov integration

Eric McCorkle eric at
Thu Mar 1 01:41:48 UTC 2018

Definitely worth considering.

If you have source repositories for those plugins, it could probably
help me figure out the documentation-generation issue that I have.

On 02/28/2018 08:13, Martijn Verburg wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> If it can’t be accepted as an net.openjdk project then we could host it
> at AdoptOpenJDK (we already have some OpenJDK related Maven plugins
> there for example).
> I’ll let Jonathan et al comment on the rest.
> Cheers,
> Martijn
> On Wed, 28 Feb 2018 at 12:43, Eric McCorkle <eric at
> <mailto:eric at>> wrote:
>     Hello everyone,
>     I recently found myself needing better integration of jcov into various
>     build/testing tools, so I did two things.  First, I modified the jcov
>     tool to generate a report in the Cobertura XML format, which is used by
>     Jenkins and other tools as an input format.  While these reports are
>     inferior in my opinion to the HTML reports jcov generates, they do allow
>     integration with other tools and CI systems.  Therefore, I think
>     providing this functionality would likely encourage more people to use
>     jcov over the alternatives.
>     I've attached the patch for this modification here, if anyone would like
>     to review it.
>     I've also mostly wrangled the Maven plugin API to create a plugin for
>     using jcov in a Maven project (however, there is one remaining issue
>     with documentation generation that I need to correct before I call the
>     plugin "finished").  I'm not sure if that would be something that would
>     be added to codetools, if the group ID should be something like
>     "org.openjdk", or what else ought to be done about it.  I will gladly
>     contribute the code if there's a desire to adopt it.
> -- 
> Cheers, Martijn (Sent from Gmail Mobile)

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