CodeTools proposal: "releasenotes"

Roger Calnan roger.calnan at
Fri Apr 12 16:14:28 UTC 2019

Name: releasenotes

Summary: A Utility to Generate Release Notes for OpenJDK Releases

Proposed by: Roger Calnan


For a few years now the release note associated with a JDK fix has
been managed as a SubTask of the issue in JBS[1], rather than the
previous ad-hoc model where the notes were, in the best case, a
comment in the issue itself.  The move to a more defined process has
allowed the release notes to be generated for each build of a release[2],
or a more formal set of release notes for the GA[3].

Until now, there has not been OpenJDK documentation on how to create
a release note, a simple way for a developer to see what the release
note would look like (the notes are written in MarkDown), nor a straightforward
way to generate a collection of release notes.

The releasenotes project will provide the developer user documentation,
which covers the creation of a release note, and a Java application to display
an individual release note or, query JBS and generate a page with all the notes
for a release[4].

The proposal is to have this as an OpenJDK/codetools sub-project.

[1] <>
[2] <>
[3] <>

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