Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal

rssh at rssh at
Thu Apr 2 05:03:33 PDT 2009

> All,
> One possible way I'd like to suggest that the coin evaluation could be
> helped would be to write a script to find out how frequently the
> specific issue comes up in real code.
> It should be possible to devise, write and run a script to find the
> number of LOCs affected by many of the proposals. For example:

Clever idea.
 If I would know, that one will used, I will wrote one during next week-end.

> - strings in switch (find if else on constant strings)
> - multi-catch (find duplicate catch blocks)
> - elvis operator (find ternary and if else defaulting)
> - for each where the iterator remove can be accessed (% of loops that
> access iterator)
> - for each where index is needed (% of loops that use int looping)
> - method and field literals
> - byte and short literals
> and probably many others (I've just listed some proposals I remember)
> Ideally, any script would be ASM/BCEL based, but grep style might work
> too.
> I mention all this because I don't have the spare time to write such a
> script, but if you do, then I'm sure we'd all like to run it and
> discuss the results ;-)
> Stephen

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