April 2009 Archives by date
Starting: Wed Apr 1 00:16:19 PDT 2009
Ending: Thu Apr 30 23:45:40 PDT 2009
Messages: 307
- PROPOSAL: Templated Construction Expressions (i.e., Expressions Embedded in Strings)
rssh at gradsoft.com.ua
- Proposal and updates OVERSEEN
Ulf Zibis
- PROPOSAL: 'final' without explicit type (update)
Tim Lebedkov
- PROPOSAL: 'final' without explicit type (update)
Tim Lebedkov
- Extend switch .. case statement for all types and simple expressions
Ulf Zibis
- Opportunity Cost and Proposal Selection
james lowden
- PROPOSAL: open and close brace optional for single statement try, catch, finally, method declaration
Glenn A. Marshall
- Opportunity Cost and Proposal Selection
Glenn A. Marshall
- PROPOSAL: open and close brace optional for single statement try, catch, finally, method declaration
Neal Gafter
- PROPOSAL: 'final' without explicit type
Florian Weimer
- Naked dot - accessing object fields through unqualified "." [C1]
alexandre.makarenko at free.fr
- Proposal: Sameness operators
Christian Fischer
- Proposal: Sameness operators
Tom Hawtin
- Opportunity Cost and Proposal Selection
Joseph D. Darcy
- Proposal and updates OVERSEEN
Joseph D. Darcy
- Proposal idea - generators
Howard Lovatt
- Proposal idea - generators
Neal Gafter
- Proposal idea - generators
Neal Gafter
- Proposal and updates OVERSEEN
Marek Kozieł
- Naked dot - accessing object fields through unqualified "." [C1]
Marek Kozieł
- Proposal idea - generators
Howard Lovatt
- Proposal idea - generators
Neal Gafter
- Proposal and updates OVERSEEN
Mark Mahieu
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Stephen Colebourne
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Mark Mahieu
- Proposal: Sameness operators
Reinier Zwitserloot
- Proposal: Automatic Resource Management
Peter Levart
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
rssh at gradsoft.com.ua
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Patrick Wright
- Proposal: Sameness operators
Stephen Colebourne
- Proposal: Automatic Resource Management
Reinier Zwitserloot
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Reinier Zwitserloot
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Marek Kozieł
- Proposal: Sameness operators
Tom Hawtin
- Proposal: Sameness operators
Reinier Zwitserloot
- Proposal: Sameness operators
Mark Thornton
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
rssh at gradsoft.com.ua
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
David Goodenough
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
rssh at gradsoft.com.ua
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Mark Thornton
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
rssh at gradsoft.com.ua
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Mark Mahieu
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
David Goodenough
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Michael Nascimento
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Mark Mahieu
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
rssh at gradsoft.com.ua
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
David Goodenough
- Proposal: Automatic Resource Management
Peter Levart
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Reinier Zwitserloot
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Joseph D. Darcy
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
rssh at gradsoft.com.ua
- Proposal: Sameness operators
Reinier Zwitserloot
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Marek Kozieł
- Proposal: Sameness operators
Mark Thornton
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Jonathan Gibbons
- Proposal: Sameness operators
Mark Thornton
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Joe Darcy
- Proposal: Sameness operators
Reinier Zwitserloot
- Proposal: Sameness operators
Mark Thornton
- Proposal: Automatic Resource Management
Peter Levart
- Proposal: Automatic Resource Management
Marek Kozieł
- PROPOSAL: 'final' without explicit type
Marek Kozieł
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Joe Darcy
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Mark Mahieu
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Marek Kozieł
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Jonathan Gibbons
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Joe Darcy
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Mark Mahieu
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Ulf Zibis
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Joe Darcy
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Rémi Forax
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
brucechapman at paradise.net.nz
- Proposal: Sameness operators
Joe Darcy
- Proposal: Sameness operators
Joe Darcy
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
rssh at gradsoft.com.ua
- Proposal: Sameness operators
Tim Keith
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Stephen Colebourne
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Joe Darcy
- Proposal: Sameness operators
Joe Darcy
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
brucechapman at paradise.net.nz
- Of knapsacks and language features
Joe Darcy
- Opportunity Cost and Proposal Selection
Joe Darcy
- PROPOSAL: Simplified StringBuffer/StringBuilder syntax
Derek Foster
- Proposal: Sameness operators
Peter Levart
- Proposal: Sameness operators
Joseph D. Darcy
- Naked dot - accessing object fields through unqualified
Derek Foster
- Proposal: Sameness operators
Derek Foster
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Mark Thornton
- Proposal: Sameness operators
Rémi Forax
- PROPOSAL: Underscores in numbers
Derek Foster
- PROPOSAL: Auto-assignment Parameters
Derek Foster
- PROPOSAL: @OverrideAll annotation
Derek Foster
- Proposal: Accepting a subclass as an element type in a for loop
Derek Foster
- PROPOSAL: @OverrideAll annotation
rssh at gradsoft.com.ua
- PROPOSAL: language support for JSR 292
Joseph D. Darcy
- PROPOSAL: 'final' without explicit type (update)
Derek Foster
- PROPOSAL: Binary Literals
Derek Foster
- PROPOSAL: Binary Literals
Mark Thornton
- Naked dot - accessing object fields through unqualified
Reinier Zwitserloot
- Proposal: Sameness operators
Tom Hawtin
- PROPOSAL: @OverrideAll annotation
Reinier Zwitserloot
- PROPOSAL: Binary Literals
Reinier Zwitserloot
- Annotation processors
Mark Thornton
- Annotation processors
Patrick Wright
- Annotation processors
Mark Thornton
- PROPOSAL: @OverrideAll annotation
Gabriel Belingueres
- PROPOSAL: 'final' without explicit type (update)
Gabriel Belingueres
- Annotation processors
Joseph D. Darcy
- Opportunity Cost and Proposal Selection
Howard Lovatt
- Proposal: Elvis and Other Null-Safe Operators
Mark Mahieu
- Proposal: Elvis and Other Null-Safe Operators
Stephen Colebourne
- Proposal: Elvis and Other Null-Safe Operators
Neal Gafter
- Proposal: Elvis and Other Null-Safe Operators
Mark Mahieu
- Proposal: Elvis and Other Null-Safe Operators
Neal Gafter
- Proposal: Elvis and Other Null-Safe Operators
Stephen C
- Proposal: Elvis and Other Null-Safe Operators
Mark Mahieu
- Proposal: Type inference for variable definition/initialization using the 'auto' keyword.
- Proposal: Type inference for variable definition/initialization using the 'auto' keyword.
Mark Thornton
- scripts and results (was Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal)
Ruslan Shevchenko
- Proposal: Type inference for variable definition/initialization using the 'auto' keyword.
Reinier Zwitserloot
- scripts and results (was Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal)
Bruce Chapman
- Proposal: Type inference for variable definition/initialization using the 'auto' keyword.
Tim Lebedkov
- Proposal: Type inference for variable definition/initialization using the 'auto' keyword.
alexandre.makarenko at free.fr
- Proposal: Type inference for variable definition/initialization using the 'auto' keyword.
alexandre.makarenko at free.fr
- Proposal: Type inference for variable definition/initialization using the 'auto' keyword.
alexandre.makarenko at free.fr
- Proposal: Type inference for variable definition/initialization using the 'auto' keyword.
Reinier Zwitserloot
- Prototype: Elvis and Other Null-Safe Operators
Mark Mahieu
- Prototype: Elvis and Other Null-Safe Operators
Joe Darcy
- Prototype: Elvis and Other Null-Safe Operators
Mark Mahieu
- Some notes on Elvis and Other Null-Safe Operators
Mark Mahieu
- Automatic Resource Management
Allen, Chris
- Automatic Resource Management
Joshua Bloch
- Proposal for a small language change
Angelo Borsotti
- Proposal for a small language change
Joseph D. Darcy
- Proposal for a small language change
Ulf Zibis
- Proposal for a small language change
Mark Thornton
- Proposal for a small language change
Reinier Zwitserloot
- Automatic Resource Management
Reinier Zwitserloot
- Automatic Resource Management
Reinier Zwitserloot
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Joe Darcy
- Automatic Resource Management
Peter Levart
- scripts and results (was Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal)
Ulf Zibis
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
paul.martin at gmail.com
- Splitting the meat of a proposal from the trivial details.
Reinier Zwitserloot
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Neal Gafter
- Splitting the meat of a proposal from the trivial details.
Joseph D. Darcy
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Joseph D. Darcy
- scripts and results (was Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal)
Ruslan Shevchenko
- Some notes on Elvis and Other Null-Safe Operators
Mark Mahieu
- Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal
Paul Martin
- PROPOSAL: Underscores in numbers
Bruce Chapman
- Splitting the meat of a proposal from the trivial details.
Reinier Zwitserloot
- Some notes on Elvis and Other Null-Safe Operators
Stephen Colebourne
- Some notes on Elvis and Other Null-Safe Operators
Mark Mahieu
- SUBMISSION : A second look on "named parameters"
Jean-Baptiste Bugeaud
- SUBMISSION : A second look on "named parameters"
Reinier Zwitserloot
- SUBMISSION : A second look on "named parameters"
Joseph D. Darcy
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Joshua Bloch
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Rémi Forax
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Joshua Bloch
- SUBMISSION : A second look on "named parameters" / Clarification on the scope
Jean-Baptiste Bugeaud
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Stephen Colebourne
- SUBMISSION : A second look on "named parameters" / Clarification on the scope
Reinier Zwitserloot
Bruce Chapman
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Rémi Forax
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Reinier Zwitserloot
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Bruce Chapman
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Paul Martin
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Joshua Bloch
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Joshua Bloch
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Joshua Bloch
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Joshua Bloch
- Syntax patterns: more statistics.
Ruslan Shevchenko
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Joshua Bloch
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Mark Thornton
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Neal Gafter
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Neal Gafter
- SUBMISSION : A second look on "named parameters" / Clarification on the scope
Neal Gafter
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Rémi Forax
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Joshua Bloch
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Neal Gafter
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Stephen Colebourne
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Ruslan Shevchenko
- Enum.getConstants() Was: Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Rémi Forax
- Enum.getConstants() Was: Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Stephen Colebourne
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Paul Martin
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Neal Gafter
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Joshua Bloch
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Neal Gafter
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Joshua Bloch
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Neal Gafter
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Joshua Bloch
- Syntax patterns: more statistics.
Mark Mahieu
- Non-proposal: Final Interfaces
Paulo Levi
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Neal Gafter
- Syntax patterns: more statistics.
Stephen Colebourne
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
paul.martin at gmail.com
- Syntax patterns: more statistics.
Tom Ball
- Non-proposal: Final Interfaces
Paulo Levi
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2 (wrt. 'finally')
Derek Foster
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
howard.lovatt at gmail.com
Derek Foster
- Syntax patterns: more statistics.
Ruslan Shevchenko
- Syntax patterns: more statistics.
Ruslan Shevchenko
- Syntax patterns: more statistics.
Ruslan Shevchenko
Stephen Colebourne
- Syntax patterns: more statistics.
Mark Mahieu
Bruce Chapman
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Neal Gafter
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Joshua Bloch
- PROPOSAL: Enhanced for each loop iteration control
Joseph D. Darcy
- PROPOSAL: Named method parameters
Joseph D. Darcy
- SUBMISSION : A second look on "named parameters" / Clarification on the scope
Joseph D. Darcy
- scripts and results (was Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal)
Ulf Zibis
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Neal Gafter
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Rémi Forax
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Neal Gafter
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Tom Ball
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Rémi Forax
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Joshua Bloch
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Tom Ball
- PROPOSAL: Named method parameters
Paul Martin
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Joshua Bloch
- Non-proposal: Final Interfaces
Joe Darcy
- Non-proposal: Final Interfaces
Paulo Levi
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
howard.lovatt at gmail.com
- PROPOSAL: Named method parameters
howard.lovatt at gmail.com
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
brucechapman at paradise.net.nz
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Mark Mahieu
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
brucechapman at paradise.net.nz
- Automatic Resource Management, V.2
Mark Mahieu
- object switch: Re: scripts and results (was Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal)
Ruslan Shevchenko
- Proposal: Indexing access syntax for Lists and Maps
Derek Foster
- Submission: switch (...) instanceof feature
Derek Foster
- DISCUSSION: Bean/Data classes
Derek Foster
- PROPOSAL: Enhanced for each loop iteration control
Ruslan Shevchenko
- [Fwd: object switch: Re: scripts and results (was Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal)]
Ruslan Shevchenko
- Submission: switch (...) instanceof feature
Ulf Zibis
- Submission: switch (...) instanceof feature
howard.lovatt at gmail.com
- Syntax patterns: more statistics.
Bruce Chapman
- Syntax patterns: more statistics.
Ruslan Shevchenko
- [Fwd: object switch: Re: scripts and results (was Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal)]
Ulf Zibis
- Syntax patterns: more statistics.
Ulf Zibis
- Syntax patterns: more statistics.
Ulf Zibis
- Submission: switch (...) instanceof feature
Gabriel Belingueres
- Syntax patterns: more statistics.
Ruslan Shevchenko
- Submission: switch (...) instanceof feature
Ulf Zibis
- Submission: switch (...) instanceof feature
Gabriel Belingueres
- Submission: switch (...) instanceof feature
Ulf Zibis
- Submission: switch (...) instanceof feature
Tom Ball
- Proposal: Indexing access syntax for Lists and Maps
Reinier Zwitserloot
- PROPOSAL: Enhanced for each loop iteration control
Reinier Zwitserloot
- PROPOSAL: Named method parameters
Reinier Zwitserloot
- SUBMISSION : A second look on "named parameters" / Clarification on the scope
Reinier Zwitserloot
- SUBMISSION : A second look on "named parameters" / Clarification on the scope
Neal Gafter
- PROPOSAL: Enhanced for each loop iteration control
Joseph D. Darcy
- Proposal: Allow a single-parameter method to be used as an infix operator
Elias Ross
- Proposal: Allow a single-parameter method to be used as an infix operator
Joseph D. Darcy
- Integer widening operators: some preliminary statistics.
Ruslan Shevchenko
- Integer widening operators: some preliminary statistics.
Daniel Cheng
- Integer widening operators: some preliminary statistics.
Ruslan Shevchenko
- Integer widening operators: some preliminary statistics.
Ruslan Shevchenko
- Syntax patterns: more statistics.
Stephen Colebourne
- Syntax patterns: more statistics.
Ruslan Shevchenko
- elvis pattern refinement (was Syntax patterns)
Ruslan Shevchenko
- Syntax patterns: more statistics.
Stephen Colebourne
- Syntax patterns: more statistics.
Ruslan Shevchenko
- Syntax patterns: more statistics.
Stephen Colebourne
- elvis pattern refinement (was Syntax patterns)
Stephen Colebourne
- Syntax patterns: more statistics.
Ruslan Shevchenko
- My wishlist and Ideas for java 7 as java developer
Ali Ebrahimi
- My wishlist and Ideas for java 7 as java developer
Ali Ebrahimi
- elvis pattern refinement (was Syntax patterns)
Ruslan Shevchenko
- Statistics for E-Commerce system
Stephen Colebourne
- elvis pattern refinement (was Syntax patterns)
Stephen Colebourne
- elvis pattern refinement (was Syntax patterns)
Ali Ebrahimi
- elvis pattern refinement (was Syntax patterns)
Reinier Zwitserloot
- elvis pattern refinement (was Syntax patterns)
Ruslan Shevchenko
- [if-s done]Re: elvis pattern refinement (was Syntax patterns)
Ruslan Shevchenko
- My wishlist and Ideas for java 7 as java developer
Joseph D. Darcy
- Statistics for E-Commerce system
Ruslan Shevchenko
- Statistics for E-Commerce system
Patrick Wright
- My wishlist and Ideas for java 7 as java developer
Ali Ebrahimi
- elvis pattern refinement (was Syntax patterns)
Stephen Colebourne
- Statistics for E-Commerce system
Stephen Colebourne
- PROPOSAL: Named method parameters
Paul Martin
- Elvis and NullSafe: description of patterns
Ruslan Shevchenko
- PROPOSAL: Named method parameters
Howard Lovatt
- PROPOSAL: Named method parameters
paul.martin at gmail.com
- traditional for loop, which use indexes: pattern description
Ruslan Shevchenko
- Syntax patterns: more more statistics.
Ruslan Shevchenko
- Syntax patterns: more more statistics.
brucechapman at paradise.net.nz
- Syntax patterns: more more statistics.
Ruslan Shevchenko
- PROPOSAL: language support for JSR 292
John Rose
- PROPOSAL: language support for JSR 292
John Rose
- PROPOSAL: language support for JSR 292
Neal Gafter
- PROPOSAL: language support for JSR 292
Ruslan Shevchenko
- PROPOSAL: language support for JSR 292
Maurizio Cimadamore
- PROPOSAL: language support for JSR 292
Rémi Forax
- PROPOSAL: language support for JSR 292
Ruslan Shevchenko
- Points about language support for 292
Alex Buckley
- Points about language support for 292
Neal Gafter
- Points about language support for 292
Alex Buckley
- PROPOSAL: Binary literals (Version 2)
Derek Foster
- PROPOSAL: Underscores in Numbers (Version 2)
Derek Foster
- PROPOSAL: Abstract enums (version 2)
Derek Foster
- PROPOSAL: Sameness operators (version 2)
Derek Foster
Last message date:
Thu Apr 30 23:45:40 PDT 2009
Archived on: Wed Mar 6 13:50:15 PST 2013
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).