Proposal: Sameness operators

Joe Darcy Joe.Darcy at Sun.COM
Thu Apr 2 19:09:37 PDT 2009

Tim Keith wrote:
> I would like to suggest calling the class java.lang.Objects, similar
> to java.util.Collections and java.util.Arrays.

Since this would be a utility class, I thought it would be better placed 
in java.util rather than java.lang.

> And it would be handy to also have in there a null-safe static method
> to help in implementing hashCode:
>     public static int hashCode(Object o) {
>         return o == null ? 0 : o.hashCode();
>     }

I've added this suggestion to the Sun bug.



> -- Tim
> On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 4:02 PM, Joe Darcy <Joe.Darcy at> wrote:
>> Reinier Zwitserloot wrote:
>> [snip]
>>> public static void is(Object x, Object y) {
>>>      if ( x == null ) return y == null;
>>>      return x.equals(y);
>>> }
>>> public static void is(Object x, int y) {
>>>     // Yes, you'd need a few gazillion is methods to cover all the
>>> primitives on either side, but 1 static import will grab all of them
>>> }
>>> ... loads more is methods
>>> Then same with lt, gt, le, ge.
>>> Then you could write:
>>> if ( is(a, b) ) {
>>>    //doStuff
>>> }
>>> Which is a small improvement.
>>> Add an ability to specify 'as infix' in static imports, and you have
>>> pretty much what we all want without backwards compatibility issues:
>>> import static infix;
>>> if ( a is b ) {
>>>    //do something
>>> }
>>> I'd consider that a large improvement.
>> Yes, in JDK 7 I'd like to see
>>     6797535 Add shared two argument static equals method to the platform
>> addressed in the platform.  I was thinking putting it in a place like a
>> new utility class java.util.Object.
>> -Joe

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