[Fwd: object switch: Re: scripts and results (was Helping to find the usefulness of a proposal)]

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at gmx.de
Wed Apr 22 04:44:41 PDT 2009


indeed I've overseen your post, as you had changed the subject line. :-(


Am 22.04.2009 07:29, Ruslan Shevchenko schrieb:
> Hi, Ulf
>  You pattern was included in statistics as 'object switch'.
> P.S.
>   1) Looking now: I forgot add splitting of 'RelationExpression' in it -
> this will be added, sorry.
>   2) May be you overseen mention of 'object switch' because all switch
> patterns (string, instanceof, object) where not in list of patterns, for
> which is possible count percentage among simular language constructs.
> It's because such pattern change 'if' to 'switch' and I have not idea
> how to find simple one-number metric to show effects of such change.

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