[PATCH] 6512707: "incompatible types" after (unrelated) annotation processing [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Jonathan Gibbons Jonathan.Gibbons at Sun.COM
Wed Jan 7 12:36:16 PST 2009

Nice patch; thanks.

Very minor quibbles, for the record:
-- all source files should end in a single newline
-- most test source files should have a copyright block; the only 
exception is when
the source file is used in a jtreg "golden file" test, so that the line 
numbers in the
source file are significant. In this case, the test description should 
contain the
magic string /nodynamiccopyright/ 
This should be explained in the OpenJDK developer's handbook.

I'll fix these issues in your patch.

-- Jon

Peter Runge wrote:
> Attached is the patch for the TreeScanner fix described previously.
> Test cases included.
> I only sent off the SCA yesterday via e-mail so it might be some time
> before it is processed.
> Regards,
> Peter
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