javadoc no longer inherits doc from sourcepath

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at
Thu Apr 8 16:41:53 PDT 2010


Thank you for your report. I have created CR 6942366 to track this issue.

-- Jon

Martin Buchholz wrote:
> Hi javadoc team,
> This is a bug report.  Seems pretty serious - S2?
> javadoc man page says,
> """
>        The source file for the inherited method need only be on the path spec
>        ified by -sourcepath for the doc comment to actually be available to
>        copy. Neither the class nor its package needs to be passed in on the
>        command line. This contrasts with 1.3.x and earlier releases, where the
>        class had to be a documented class
> """
> It seems that the jdk has reverted to the 1.3.x behavior.
> This happened somewhere between openjdk6-b12 and openjdk6-b13,
> and is still broken at head of openjdk7.  But 6u19 works fine!
> E.g.
> public class JavadocBug {
>     public String toString() { return ""; }
> }
> Then try
> javadoc -sourcepath $PATH_TO_JDK_SOURCES/src/share/classes
> Martin

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