Duplicate compilation attempt when code is too large

Alex Meiburg timeroot.alex at gmail.com
Mon Aug 18 20:28:11 UTC 2014

Thanks. I was unsure if I should ask for a bug id if I'm just submitted a
patch right off the bat, since there's not much to be "tracked".

I split it up into two patches: I cut out the whole CodeSizeOverflow class
in the former. In the latter there is now a second method available to
which you can pass a PrintStream, and the earlier method defaults to syserr.

-- Alexander Meiburg

2014-08-18 12:54 GMT-07:00 Jonathan Gibbons <jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com>:

> On 08/03/2014 09:52 AM, Alex Meiburg wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This is my first time posting to this list, and I'm not sure of the right
>> protocol -- I've got the following patch to submit. When jsr/ret were in
>> use, if a method ran over the 64k code limit, it would try compilation
>> again with more aggressive space optimization. Since jsr/ret aren't used
>> any more, this just means that it takes twice as long to report the error
>> to the user.
>> There's also some (unused) code in dump() that was printing to sysout
>> where it should have been printing to syserr.
>> I have the patch attached, how/where do I submit it? Please excuse my
>> ignorance, I couldn't find the answer. Thanks!
>> -- Alexander Meiburg
> I looked at the suggestion for Gen.    The code has been partially cleaned
> up in this area, such that the catch block is now dead code. So there isn't
> an "efficiency" argument to be made here, but I agree that cleaning up the
> dead code (and the dead exception which appears to no longer be thrown)
> would be a good idea.
> I looked at the suggestion for Code, and the inconsistent use of
> System.out and System.err.  I think a good fix here would be to declare a
> single local variable to specify the stream to which all the printing in
> that method should be done.
> -- Jon
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