Question about submitting bugs
dalibor topic
dalibor.topic at
Wed Feb 17 17:56:28 UTC 2016
Archie - do you have the Java incident ids from the issues you have
filed via
On 17.02.2016 18:12, Archie Cobbs wrote:
> Thanks Jon.
> Here are three suspected issues boiled down to simple test cases. Right
> now they are all failing with the 1.8.0_60 javac. I'm not up-to-date
> enough on current compiler development to know whether these are already
> fixed in jdk9 or not.
> Lambda generates IllegalAccessError at runtime:
> Compilation failure when overriding clone()
> Compilation fails when assigning static final field using qualified name
> Thanks,
> -Archie
> On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 10:56 AM, Jonathan Gibbons
> <jonathan.gibbons at <mailto:jonathan.gibbons at>> wrote:
> On 02/17/2016 08:40 AM, Archie Cobbs wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've got a meta-question regarding filing compiler bug reports...
>> Compiler questions and possible bug reports are often posted to
>> this list, but this list is obviously not meant to be a general
>> triage area for bug reports from the entire Java community, so I'm
>> hesitant to post occasional issues that crop up here.
>> I've also noticed that the JDK bug submission form on
>> doesn't seem to really work any more...
>> I've submitted a couple of bug reports there lately but never
>> heard anything back (example
>> <>).
>> I have another one now but don't want it to be lost like the others.
>> It also doesn't seem possible for mere mortals to create accounts
>> on
>> So what is the correct procedure for non-compiler-developers to
>> productively report suspected compiler issues?
>> Thanks,
>> -Archie
>> --
>> Archie L. Cobbs
> Archie,
> Thanks for asking.
> You are correct that this is not an area to help debug users
> programs. The more you have reasonable cause to suspect that javac
> may not be behaving correctly, (or could reasonably be improved) and
> the more you can produce evidence, such as reproducible test cases,
> to back up your claim, the more interested folk will be in general.
> Ideally, test cases should be small, and should be "just pure javac"
> -- meaning, so simple there's no need to involve any build tools,
> unless you believe they are an inherent part of the problem.
> If you file an issue on
> <>, and you don't hear back in a timely
> manner, you can try posting a reference here and we can help ensure
> the issue is migrated to
> <>.
> -- Jon
> --
> Archie L. Cobbs
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