Question about submitting bugs
dalibor topic
dalibor.topic at
Wed Feb 17 23:59:27 UTC 2016
On 17.02.2016 19:25, Archie Cobbs wrote:
> The review ID was JI-9025344, received in October 2015. Nothing else has
> been received as of now, though in this case it's only been 4 months (is
> that normal or slow?) redirects to .
> Review ID JI-9013936
as above ->
> Bug ID 9009951
> Compiler crash - AssertionError
as above ->
> Bug ID 9001645
> Javadoc omitting static final fields
as above ->
> As you can see, the system makes it pretty hard to get any feedback
> about what's going on with the issue, or even to understand what
> expectations to have.
I think the largest missing link here is the difference between the
incident ID, and the actual bug ID in the JDK Project, once the issue
has been triaged.
You can use to check if your bug report has been
triaged and look up the actual bug ID, though, as shown above, once you
receive an incident ID.
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