[PATCH] 8218268: Javac treats Manifest Class-Path entries as Paths instead of URLs

Donald Kwakkel dkwakkel at gmail.com
Fri Mar 15 23:06:59 UTC 2019

After discussion and conclusion on core-libs-dev the spec is changed
that manifest classpath must be handled the same in java as javac. And
Jonathan told me to continue now on this list.

I created a fix + tests for
https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8218268. Now the manifest
classpath is behaving the same in javac and java for file paths as it
was in java 8. See attached first patch.

Now I would like to reuse the code of URLClassLoader (see second
attached patch), but it seems I can not use SharedSecrets from

* For target buildtools_interim_langtools_modules_jdk.compiler.interim__the.BUILD_jdk.compiler.interim_batch:
error: package jdk.internal.access does not exist
import jdk.internal.access.SharedSecrets;

Where should I locate the common code and how can it be called both
from URLClassLoader and FSInfo?

Kind Regards,

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