Potential bugs when using the JavaCompiler API.
Guoxiong Li
lgxbslgx at gmail.com
Fri Jan 1 17:05:05 UTC 2021
Hi jon,
Thank you for your comment. I have not forgotten this thread. I want to see
some more opinions and do more investigation.
I can't guarantee that I can solve the issue in the end. But the discussion
about this issue is good for us.
Best Regards.
On Sat, Dec 19, 2020 at 6:17 AM Jonathan Gibbons <
jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for your interest in this area.
> The bugs, such as they are, are more in the specification than the
> implementation, and are somewhat tricky to fix as well as might be
> expected. There is one task that is part bug, part enhancement, depending
> on your point of view, and equally tricky to figure out, which is one of
> the reasons it has not been done before now.
> Generally, you should not think of the `JavaFileManager` API and
> `JavaCompiler.getTask` options as equivalent. The file manager is a lower
> level abstraction than the compiler, and applicable in more contexts than
> `javac`. By itself, it is not wrong for a file manager to have
> combinations of locations set, because there may be situations (i.e. some
> tools) where that is desirable and appropriate. And, incorrect settings for
> a file manager are generally reported by throwing
> `IllegalArgumentException` in preference to using a diagnostic listener.
> And, while it does not make sense to allow conflicting options like
> `--source-path` and `--module-source-path` on the javac command line, it
> seemed better to permit file managers with both set and to figure a
> reasonable policy to handle that situation.
> Also, note that when using the Compiler API and `JavaCompiler.getTask`,
> the compiler has to be able to accept any suitable implementation of a file
> manager, and not just the standard one returned by the JDK implementation
> of `ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler().getStandardJavaFileManager`. And,
> for better or worse, there is no API on a file manager to determine if
> errors have occurred, in a way that would be reasonable for the internals
> of javac to detect and react to.
> Your comments related to your example with `task1` and `task2` are
> somewhat reasonable. Although it is on one hand not surprising that options
> to getTask affect the file manager, on the other, it would be nice if the
> changes were transient. The general idea we have had in the past is to
> create a temporary file manager inside the compiler that wraps and
> delegates to the given file manager, except for the arguments given to the
> options. However we have not thought through any detailed design to make
> that happen.
> As for the specification, yes, the API in this area is somewhat
> under-specified. Part of it is a general problem with JDK API
> specifications: both JavaCompiler and JavaFileManager are service-provider
> interfaces, and while it is easy enough to specify the common properties of
> all implementations of these interfaces, there is not a good way/place to
> specify the additional characteristics and properties of specific
> implementations. For the JavaCompiler API, we want to allow other vendors
> to provide alternate implementations of a Java Compiler (subject to all the
> appropriate conformance rules), and so it is inappropriate in the Java SE
> class `javax.tools.JavaCompiler` to give JDK-specific details of the JDK
> implementation of that interface. And, for any implementations of
> `JavaFileManager`, we don't want to over-specify it and so restrict the
> kinds of implementations anyone can provide. The one thing of note is that
> whereas there was no good solution to this specification problem in JDK 6,
> since JDK 9, and the Java Platform Module System, we do have a reasonable
> place to put some of this specification, and that is the module
> documentation for the `jdk.compiler` module. In that module, we could write
> paragraphs that give additional specification details for the
> implementation of the `JavaCompiler` interface provided by the module, and
> for the standard file manager returned by the `getStandardJavaFileManager`
> method of that implementation. It's "not great" that the documentation with
> be narrative paragraphs not directly linked into the shared documentation
> in the `javax.tools` interface, but at least it would be somewhere, which
> is better than now.
> -- Jon
> On 12/18/20 6:38 AM, Guoxiong Li wrote:
> Hi all,
> When I was working on the JDK-8232939[1], I found some strange points and
> suspicious bugs. The origin of the issues is the `Context` of
> `StandardJavaFileManager`(eg: JavacFileManager) and the `Context` of
> `CompilationTask`(eg: JavacTaskImpl) is not same. As we can see in class
> `JavacTool`, the methods `getStandardFileManager` and `getTask` both create
> its new `Context`.
> When creating its new `Context` to isolate. We can call it as the
> *decoupled* part of `StandardJavaFileManager` and `CompilationTask`.
> When using `getTask` with a file manager to get a `CompilationTask`, the
> `getTask` will set some properties of the file manager. We can call it as
> the *coupled* part of `StandardJavaFileManager` and `CompilationTask`.
> The decoupled and coupled part of `StandardJavaFileManager` and
> `CompilationTask` are strange and both have suspicious bugs which are shown
> below.
> 1. Bugs about the decoupled part.
> The properties of `JavacFileManager`, especially `Log` and `Options`,
> are not same as the corresponding items of `JavacTaskImpl`. Some issues
> will occur.
> The first example is that the OptionGroup.FILEMANAGER options won't be
> validated. This is a bug about the different `Options`.
> As you can see the test code[2]. `--module-source-path` and
> `--source-path` are both set. It is wrong because the man document states
> that users can use only one of `--module-source-path` and `--source-path`,
> and can't use both. These wrong code are accepted by the compiler now.
> Because when using the compiler API, the options property of file manager
> only contain the OptionGroup.FILEMANAGER options and the options property
> of compiler task only contain the OptionGroup.BASIC options. When
> validating options[3], only the options of compiler task will be validated.
> That is said, the OptionGroup.FILEMANAGER options won't be validated. It is
> unacceptable because the manner of compiler API is different from the
> compiler command line.
> The second example is JDK-8232939[1]. It is a bug about the different
> `Log.`
> The file manager generates the errors during the parse stage and
> reports the error by using its own `Log`. After the parse stage, the
> compiler uses `stopIfError` to check if the errors occur and will stop the
> later stages if any error occurs. Unfortunately, the method `stopIfError`
> checks the `Log` of the compiler instead of the `Log` of the file manager
> so that it can't find any error generated by the file manager. So the
> compiler continues the later stages unexpectedly.
> These two bugs(one about `Options`, another about `Log`) show that
> current decoupled way is not so good. If we deep into all the properties of
> these two different context, some more bugs may be found.
> 2. Bugs about the coupled way.
> This aspect are more important and more unacceptable. As you can see
> the code snippet below.
> ```
> var compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
> var fm = compiler.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null);
> var files = fm.getJavaFileObjects(Path.of("Test.java"));
> JavaCompiler.CompilationTask task1 = compiler.getTask(null, fm,
> null, List.of("-XDrawDiagnostics", "-encoding", "ASCII"), null, files);
> JavaCompiler.CompilationTask task2 = compiler.getTask(null, fm,
> null, List.of("-XDrawDiagnostics"/*some more options*/), null, files);
> System.out.println(task1.call());
> System.out.println(task2.call());
> ```
> The OptionGroup.FILEMANAGER options of `task1`("-encoding", "ASCII")
> will be taken to `task2` and vice versa. Because the options of file
> manager won't be cleared. It required the users clear the options manually.
> Unfortunately, the users, included me, use it incorrectly. The probably
> correct usage is shown below: run the first task and clear the information
> of previous task before getting another task. As you can see, the clear
> work is hard because the users don't know the internal of the compiler.
> Currently I can't find a good way to clear, too.
> ```
> var compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
> var fm = compiler.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null);
> var files = fm.getJavaFileObjects(Path.of("Test.java"));
> JavaCompiler.CompilationTask task1 = compiler.getTask(null, fm,
> null, List.of("-XDrawDiagnostics", "-encoding", "ASCII"), null, files);
> System.out.println(task1.call());
> // Do some clear work. Omit.
> JavaCompiler.CompilationTask task2 = compiler.getTask(null, fm,
> null, List.of("-XDrawDiagnostics"), null, files);
> System.out.println(task2.call());
> ```
> As the document stated:
> > The standard file manager serves two purposes:
> > basic building block for customizing how a compiler reads and
> writes files
> > sharing between multiple compilation tasks
> But the options and task's own individual other information perhaps
> shouldn't be shared.
> To solve the problem completely, we should find a better way to
> decouple file manager and compilation task instead of using the new
> `Context` directly and simply.
> I have been thinking of a better solution these days but I can't find a
> satisfying solution. I want to share the problem with you to see your
> opinions. This is the reason of this email.
> Any opinion or idea are appreciated!
> [1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8232939
> [2]
> https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/blob/853c04712d24788b6d30d54443ac9277a898311b/test/langtools/tools/javac/modules/AnnotationProcessing.java#L1607
> [3]
> https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/blob/853c04712d24788b6d30d54443ac9277a898311b/src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/main/Arguments.java#L409
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