Javac throws AssertionError randomly for nested pattern matching

Kiva imkiva at
Fri Sep 23 12:43:32 UTC 2022

Hello! I found a severe bug when pattern-matching switches are nested.

My Java version:

openjdk 19 2022-09-20
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 19+37)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 19+37, mixed mode, sharing)

The code that triggers ICE (just a ordinary unification algorithm):

public class Bug {
  sealed interface Term {
    record Mula(Formula formula) implements Term {}
    record I() implements Term {}
    record U() implements Term {}
  sealed interface Formula {
    record Lit(boolean left) implements Formula {}
    record Inv(Term i) implements Formula {}

  public static Term compare(Term preLhs, Term preRhs) {
    return switch (preLhs) {
      case Term.I i -> new Term.U();
      case Term.U u -> new Term.U();
      case Term.Mula lhs -> {
        if (!(preRhs instanceof Term.Mula rhs)) yield null;
        var happy = switch (lhs.formula()) {
          case Formula.Lit ll when rhs.formula() instanceof Formula.Lit rr -> ll.left() == rr.left();
          case Formula.Inv ll when rhs.formula() instanceof Formula.Inv rr ->
            compare(ll.i(), rr.i()) != null;
          default -> false;
        yield happy ? new Term.I() : null;

  public static void main(String[] args) {

Throws this error randomly:

An exception has occurred in the compiler (19). Please file a bug against the Java compiler via the Java bug reporting page ( after checking the Bug Database ( for duplicates. Include your program, the following diagnostic, and the parameters passed to the Java compiler in your report. Thank you.
	at jdk.compiler/
	at jdk.compiler/
	at jdk.compiler/$ScopeImpl.leave(
	at jdk.compiler/
	at jdk.compiler/$JCBlock.accept(
	at jdk.compiler/
	at jdk.compiler/
	at jdk.compiler/
	at jdk.compiler/$JCMethodDecl.accept(
	at jdk.compiler/
	at jdk.compiler/
	at jdk.compiler/
	at jdk.compiler/
	at jdk.compiler/
	at jdk.compiler/
	at jdk.compiler/
	at jdk.compiler/
	at jdk.compiler/$doCall$0(
	at jdk.compiler/
	at jdk.compiler/
	at jdk.compiler/
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