[private] Re: [External] : Re: [Bug] javac gives non-deterministic output (for sealed interface with records)

Przemek Bielicki pbielicki at gmail.com
Tue Jan 9 08:48:06 UTC 2024

Hey Vicente,

My fellow Gradle JVM Platform engineer (Octavia Togami) created a
reproducer: https://github.com/octylFractal/javac-permitted-ordering-bug
Her first analysis was: "Looking at the stacktraces, it appears that when
it's ordered properly, the subclasses of the sealed type are visited as
part of their parent; but when it's ordered incorrectly, they're visited as
part of resolving the type of a variable somewhere else."
Eventually she says: "This is not in any way a Gradle bug. It has to do
with ordering of other files that use the sealed type and its subclasses."

Can you please verify this on your end and update the JIRA ticket with the
latest findings?

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