[private] Re: [External] : Re: [Bug] javac gives non-deterministic output (for sealed interface with records)

Vicente Romero vicente.romero at oracle.com
Tue Jan 9 16:04:52 UTC 2024

Hi Przemek,

this is pretty good, thanks for the reproducer. I will update the bug entry,


On 1/9/24 03:48, Przemek Bielicki wrote:
> Hey Vicente,
> My fellow Gradle JVM Platform engineer (Octavia Togami) created a 
> reproducer: 
> https://github.com/octylFractal/javac-permitted-ordering-bug 
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/octylFractal/javac-permitted-ordering-bug__;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!OuIjNEls9z95A5Eq458IZEjWn1nlxh3v2_wq3jYrPj61R62YNl6fUCJ_-Docq9rmUcpTVMWgk3iQLhvjhTxyZA$>
> Her first analysis was: "Looking at the stacktraces, it appears that 
> when it's ordered properly, the subclasses of the sealed type are 
> visited as part of their parent; but when it's ordered incorrectly, 
> they're visited as part of resolving the type of a variable somewhere 
> else."
> Eventually she says: "This is not in any way a Gradle bug. It has to 
> do with ordering of other files that use the sealed type and its 
> subclasses."
> Can you please verify this on your end and update the JIRA ticket with 
> the latest findings?
> Thanks,
> Przemek
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