Review request #1: 6863566 (Java should support the startup notification specification)

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at
Thu Oct 15 15:23:23 UTC 2009

2009/10/15 Michael McMahon <Michael.McMahon at>:
> It doesn't seem right to filter out arbitrary environment variables
> like that (inside ProcessEnvironment). Sorry, I haven't been following this
> issue closely,
> but is it not possible to unset this variable somewhere else?

I concur.  That's a nasty hack that's going to create an artificial
difference between the native environment and the environment as seen
from Java.

> - Michael.
> Alan Bateman wrote:
>> Martin, Michael - have either of you looked at the filtering that they are
>> proposing to add to ProcessEnvironment?
>> Anthony Petrov wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Please review the next version of the fix contributed by Damjan
>>> Jovanovic:
>>> RFE:
>>> There you can also find some latest comments regarding the fix.
>>> webrev:
>>> Since the patch includes changes to the
>>> src/solaris/classes/java/lang/, I'm
>>> CC'ing the Core Libs alias to review the changes in that file.
>>> From AWT perspective, the changes look good to me.
>>> --
>>> best regards,
>>> Anthony

Andrew :-)

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