6955504: (str) String[Builder/Buffer].append(char[], int, int) throws OutOfMemoryError in b94

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at oracle.com
Tue Aug 3 17:16:41 UTC 2010

On Aug 2, 2010, at 2:52 PM, Martin Buchholz wrote:

> Hi Chris (or others),
> Here's a fix for a little bug I introduced in jdk7-b94
> http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=6955504
> 6955504: (str) String[Builder/Buffer].append(char[],int,int) throws  
> OutOfMemoryError in b94
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~martin/webrevs/openjdk7/oome2aioobe/
> I couldn't resist sneaking in a little optimization.
> I'm a little disappointed that I broke a JCK test, but that this was  
> not noticed by openjdk QA until several builds later.  I'm thinking  
> it's part of the job of integrators to ensure __NO__REGRESSIONS__  
> and that includes jck tests (which are much easier for integrators  
> to run than for external contributors).

The JCK tests are NO easier to run for anyone, it only gets easier if  
you have repeatedly run it over and over.
But the JCK team is making progress to make it easier, and we will try  
and run it more often.

In defense of the integrators (who are not the ones that created the  
regressions), they are doing the best they can
to find all our mistakes given the resources they have.
   * If they don't integrate quickly enough, people complain that  
their favorite change did not make it in
   * If they integrate too quickly, people complain about too many  
integrations and the regressions created by quicker integrations
   * If they find regressions and hold up an integration, people are  
upset that all the other changes are being held up
   * If the integration goes smoothly, silence. Kind of a thankless  
job, like a postal worker,... oh dear... please be nice to our  

And it is impossible to guarantee no regressions given the time and  
resources available to an integrator.
Avoiding regressions is a shared responsibility we all have.

In this case, we need to figure out how to get regular runs of JCK  
into the integration process.


> Martin

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