August 2010 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Aug 1 15:35:29 UTC 2010
Ending: Tue Aug 31 22:51:20 UTC 2010
Messages: 143
- Research into modifications on the primordial class loader
kammerath i. (ik3g09)
- Possible SecurityException creating processes on Linux
Alan Bateman
- Process.waitFor() may hang if subprocess has live descendants (lnx)
Alan Bateman
- 6955504: (str) String[Builder/Buffer].append(char[], int, int) throws OutOfMemoryError in b94
Martin Buchholz
- 6955504: (str) String[Builder/Buffer].append(char[], int, int) throws OutOfMemoryError in b94
Martin Buchholz
- Thread.getState() very slow
Martin Buchholz
- hg: jdk7/tl/langtools: 3 new changesets
Martin Buchholz
- Possible SecurityException creating processes on Linux
Martin Buchholz
- Possible SecurityException creating processes on Linux
Martin Buchholz
- Process.waitFor() may hang if subprocess has live descendants (lnx)
Martin Buchholz
- Process.waitFor() may hang if subprocess has live descendants (lnx)
Martin Buchholz
- Process.waitFor() may hang if subprocess has live descendants (lnx)
Martin Buchholz
- Threads should not be Cloneable
Bruce Chapman
- Code review request: 6973831 NPE when printing stack trace of OOME
Mandy Chung
- Code review request: 6973831 NPE when printing stack trace of OOME
Mandy Chung
- Code review request: 6973831 NPE when printing stack trace of OOME
Mandy Chung
- Code review request: 6973831 NPE when printing stack trace of OOME
Mandy Chung
- Code review request: 6973831 NPE when printing stack trace of OOME
Mandy Chung
- Code review request: 6973831 NPE when printing stack trace of OOME
Mandy Chung
- Code review request: 6973831 NPE when printing stack trace of OOME
Mandy Chung
- Thread.getState() very slow
Mandy Chung
- [Fwd: Re: hg: jdk7/tl/langtools: 3 new changesets]
Maurizio Cimadamore
- Threads should not be Cloneable
Joe Darcy
- Code review request: 6973831 NPE when printing stack trace of OOME
Joe Darcy
- 6955504: (str) String[Builder/Buffer].append(char[],int,int) throws OutOfMemoryError in b94
Rémi Forax
- Code review request: 6973831 NPE when printing stack trace of OOME
Rémi Forax
- Code review request: 6973831 NPE when printing stack trace of OOME
Rémi Forax
- Threads should not be Cloneable
Rémi Forax
- hg: jdk7/tl/langtools: 3 new changesets
Rémi Forax
- Threads should not be Cloneable
Jeroen Frijters
- Additional -Xlint:serial warning
Neal Gafter
- Code review request: 6973831 NPE when printing stack trace of OOME
Brian Goetz
- Code review request: 6973831 NPE when printing stack trace of OOME
Brian Goetz
- Code review request: 6973831 NPE when printing stack trace of OOME
Brian Goetz
- Threads should not be Cloneable
Brian Goetz
- Threads should not be Cloneable
Brian Goetz
- 6955504: (str) String[Builder/Buffer].append(char[],int,int) throws OutOfMemoryError in b94
Chris Hegarty
- jsr166y/openjdk resync
Chris Hegarty
- Threads should not be Cloneable
Chris Hegarty
- Threads should not be Cloneable
Chris Hegarty
- Threads should not be Cloneable
Chris Hegarty
- Research into modifications on the primordial class loader
David Holmes
- Thread.setName question
David Holmes
- Thread.setName question
David Holmes
- Code review request: 6973831 NPE when printing stack trace of OOME
David Holmes
- jsr166y/openjdk resync
David Holmes
- Code review request: 6973831 NPE when printing stack trace of OOME
David Holmes
- Code review request: 6973831 NPE when printing stack trace of OOME
David Holmes
- Threads should not be Cloneable
David Holmes
- Thread.getState() very slow
David Holmes
- Threads should not be Cloneable
David Holmes
- Threads should not be Cloneable
David Holmes
- Threads should not be Cloneable
David Holmes
- Threads should not be Cloneable
David Holmes
- Threads should not be Cloneable
David Holmes
- Threads should not be Cloneable
David Holmes
- Process.waitFor() may hang if subprocess has live descendants (lnx)
David Holmes
- jvm load too many classes
Dr Andrew John Hughes
- Question on sorting
Vladimir Iaroslavski
- Dual-Pivot Quicksort and Sorting classes: update
Vladimir Iaroslavski
- jsr166y/openjdk resync
Doug Lea
- Thread.getState() very slow
Doug Lea
- Thread.getState() very slow
Bob Lee
- Additional -Xlint:serial warning
David M. Lloyd
- Additional -Xlint:serial warning
David M. Lloyd
- Thread.setName question
Xiaobin Lu
- Thread.setName question
Xiaobin Lu
- Thread.getState() very slow
Jeremy Manson
- 6955504: (str) String[Builder/Buffer].append(char[], int, int) throws OutOfMemoryError in b94
Kelly O'Hair
- Threads should not be Cloneable
David Schlosnagle
- Threads should not be Cloneable
David Schlosnagle
- possible bug in java.util.DeflaterOutputStream
Xueming Shen
- Question on sorting
Dmytro Sheyko
- Threads should not be Cloneable
Benedict Elliott Smith
- Base 64
Pawel Veselov
- Additional -Xlint:serial warning
Florian Weimer
- Additional -Xlint:serial warning
Florian Weimer
- Threads should not be Cloneable
Florian Weimer
- Threads should not be Cloneable
Florian Weimer
- Threads should not be Cloneable
Florian Weimer
- possible bug in java.util.DeflaterOutputStream
Ulf Zibis
- possible bug in java.util.DeflaterOutputStream
Ulf Zibis
- Pending Character-related work - UncodeBlock2
Ulf Zibis
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 6955504: (str) String[Builder/Buffer].append(char[], int, int) throws OutOfMemoryError in b94
martinrb at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 6980747: Runtime.exec can fail due to SecurityException (lnx)
martinrb at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 6971825: (so) improve scatter/gather implementation
alan.bateman at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 2 new changesets
alan.bateman at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 6973030: NTLM proxy authentication fails with https
chris.hegarty at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 6882910: Unexplained lack of IP4 network ability when transparent IP6 to IP4 is disabled.
chris.hegarty at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 6968584: Thread should not be Cloneable
chris.hegarty at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 6965924: using static SimpleDateFormat which is not thread safe
chris.hegarty at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 6977851: NPE from FileURLConnection.connect
chris.hegarty at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 6962604: 3/3 Testcase sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm/ failure
daniel.daugherty at
- hg: jdk7/tl/langtools: 6971877: Project Coin: improve semantics of suppressed exceptions in try-with-resources
joe.darcy at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 6980019: Finish rename of ARM -> try-with-resources in jdk repository
joe.darcy at
- hg: jdk7/tl/langtools: 6973626: test/tools/javac/processing/* tests fail with assertions enabled
jonathan.gibbons at
- hg: jdk7/tl/langtools: 6976833: options included twice in Example SimpleCompiler
jonathan.gibbons at
- hg: jdk7/tl/langtools: 6975005: improve JavacProcessingEnvironment.Round abstraction
jonathan.gibbons at
- hg: jdk7/tl/langtools: 6976747: JCDiagnostic: replace "boolean mandatory" with new "Set<JCDiagnostic.Flag>"
jonathan.gibbons at
- hg: jdk7/tl/langtools: 6935638: -implicit:none prevents compilation with annotation processing
jonathan.gibbons at
- hg: jdk7/tl/langtools: 6929404: Filer.getResource(SOURCE_PATH, ...) does not work when -sourcepath contains >1 entry
jonathan.gibbons at
- hg: jdk7/tl/langtools: 6979564: ":" for path separator in dist/bin/javac does not work on Windows
jonathan.gibbons at
- hg: jdk7/tl/langtools: 6960424: new option -Xpkginfo for better control of when package-info.class is generated
jonathan.gibbons at
- hg: jdk7/tl/langtools: 6604599: ToolProvider should be less compiler-specific
jonathan.gibbons at
- hg: jdk7/tl/langtools: 6980017: javap -XDdetail:source behaves badly if source not available.
jonathan.gibbons at
- hg: jdk7/tl/langtools: 6980724: test/tools/javac/ sometimes fails
jonathan.gibbons at
- hg: jdk7/tl/langtools: 6570730: com.sun.source.tree.ModifiersTree.getFlags() should return class type
jonathan.gibbons at
- hg: jdk7/tl/langtools: 6980707: Reduce use of IOException in JavaCompiler
jonathan.gibbons at
- hg: jdk7/tl/langtools: 6403465: javac should defer diagnostics until it can be determined they are persistent
jonathan.gibbons at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 2 new changesets
kelly.ohair at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jaxws: 6962317: jdk7 jaxws source bundle still needs rebranding; ...
kelly.ohair at
- hg: jdk7/tl/corba: 2 new changesets
kelly.ohair at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 3 new changesets
kumar.x.srinivasan at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 6531345: Memory leak in unpack200
kumar.x.srinivasan at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 2 new changesets
kumar.x.srinivasan at
- hg: jdk7/tl: 2 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7/tl/corba: 2 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7/tl/hotspot: 20 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jaxp: 2 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jaxws: 2 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 21 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7/tl/langtools: 5 new changesets
lana.steuck at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 6898593: java.sql.Date.valueOf no exception if date given is not in the JDBC date escape syntax
lance.andersen at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 2 new changesets
mandy.chung at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 6921234: TEST_BUG: java/lang/ClassLoader/deadlock/ needs to be modified for Cygwin
mandy.chung at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 2 new changesets
mandy.chung at
- hg: jdk7/tl/langtools: 2 new changesets
maurizio.cimadamore at
- hg: jdk7/tl/langtools: 2 new changesets
maurizio.cimadamore at
- hg: jdk7/tl/langtools: 2 new changesets
maurizio.cimadamore at
- hg: jdk7/tl/langtools: 3 new changesets
maurizio.cimadamore at
- hg: jdk7/tl/langtools: 2 new changesets
maurizio.cimadamore at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 6339649: URI.create should include a detail message when throwing IllegalArgumentException
michael.x.mcmahon at
- hg: jdk7/tl/langtools: 6875847: Java Locale Enhancement
naoto.sato at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 2 new changesets
sean.mullan at
- Threads should not be Cloneable
tom.hawtin at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 6923794: About 40 JCK test case fail with AssertionError if -esa option is specified
xueming.shen at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 6969651: TEST_BUG: tools/jar/ failed on JDK7 when run on NFS
xueming.shen at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 6976186: Integrate Shark
ahughes at
- hg: jdk7/tl: 6976186: Integrate Shark
ahughes at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 6945961: SIGSEGV in memcpy() during class loading on linux-i586
andrei.pangin at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 6976536: Solaris JREs do not have the krb5.kdc.bad.policy configured by default. at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 6921610: 1.6 update 17 and 18 throw java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException at
- hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 6911951: NTLM should be a supported Java SASL mechanism at
Last message date:
Tue Aug 31 22:51:20 UTC 2010
Archived on: Wed Jun 1 15:19:48 UTC 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).