Need reviewer for forward port of 6815768 (File.getXXXSpace) and 6815768 (String.hashCode)

Joseph D. Darcy Joe.Darcy at Sun.COM
Fri Feb 26 00:04:04 UTC 2010

Andrew John Hughes wrote:
> On 25 February 2010 18:19, Kelly O'Hair <Kelly.Ohair at> wrote:
>> Looks fine to me.
>> -kto
>> On 2/25/10 9:51 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
>>> There are two fixes in Sun's proprietary jdk6 updates that should also
>>> be fixed in OpenJDK.
>>> The first one is that the File.getXXXSpace methods use statvfs instead
>>> of statvfs64 and so fail on 32-bit Solaris and Linux with very large
>>> file systems. The webrev is here:
>>> The GetXSpace test already covers these methods and an additional test
>>> isn't required.
>>> The second one is a scalability fix to String.hashCode to avoid storing
>>> the hash code of empty strings. The webrev with the change is here:
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alan.
> Joe, ok for 6 too?

Yes, whatever versions of these fixes end up in JDK 7 can also be 
applied to OpenJDK 6.


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