Please review java.util.jar.pack.* exceptions

Kumar Srinivasan kumar.x.srinivasan at oracle.COM
Wed Nov 3 22:12:34 UTC 2010

Thanks for all the reviews and suggestions!

the new version is at:

In this revision:
1. the input parameter is renamed to "in",
     btw. we call out throwing of  NPEs at the package level documentation
     I copied the same verbiage to the interfaces sections as well.

2. moved the exception check into scanJar,  per Alan's suggestion where 
it is
     isolated to catch IllegalStateException and wraps it up into an IOE.


> Kumar Srinivasan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> These are simple changes to the java.util.jar.pack:
>>   * fixes JCK  failures, specifically throwing unexpected exceptions
>>   * minor fixes to the ClassFormatException
>>   * added a new test to catch the JCK type failures up-front, which is
>>     bulk of the code changes.
>> Thanks
>> Kumar
> Kumar - would it be better if scanJar just handled the closed JAR case 
> by catching the IllegalStateException and re-throwing it as an 
> IOException? I assume other runtime exceptions are other bugs that you 
> won't have translated into I/O exceptions.
> -Alan.

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