Please review java.util.jar.pack.* exceptions

David Holmes - Oracle David.Holmes at
Wed Nov 3 22:22:06 UTC 2010

Hi Kumar,

This looks okay to me. I prefer this form - only converting the 
IllegalStateException - as well.


On 11/04/10 09:12, Kumar Srinivasan wrote:
> Thanks for all the reviews and suggestions!
> the new version is at:
> In this revision:
> 1. the input parameter is renamed to "in",
>     btw. we call out throwing of  NPEs at the package level documentation
>     I copied the same verbiage to the interfaces sections as well.
> 2. moved the exception check into scanJar,  per Alan's suggestion 
> where it is
>     isolated to catch IllegalStateException and wraps it up into an IOE.
> Thanks
> Kumar
>> Kumar Srinivasan wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> These are simple changes to the java.util.jar.pack:
>>>   * fixes JCK  failures, specifically throwing unexpected exceptions
>>>   * minor fixes to the ClassFormatException
>>>   * added a new test to catch the JCK type failures up-front, which is
>>>     bulk of the code changes.
>>> Thanks
>>> Kumar
>> Kumar - would it be better if scanJar just handled the closed JAR 
>> case by catching the IllegalStateException and re-throwing it as an 
>> IOException? I assume other runtime exceptions are other bugs that 
>> you won't have translated into I/O exceptions.
>> -Alan.

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