Code review request for 6543593 "(reflect) Clarify private final field mutability"

Mike Duigou mike.duigou at
Mon Apr 4 17:24:13 UTC 2011

This looks good.

Since accessibility is mutable I wonder if the wording should be:

>    * @exception IllegalAccessException    if this {@code Field} object is
>    *              enforcing Java language access control and the underlying
>    *              field is either inaccessible or final.

To me "is enforcing" is a stronger hint that access control is settable.


On Apr 4 2011, at 10:04 , Joe Darcy wrote:

> Alan Bateman wrote:
>> Joe Darcy wrote:
>>> Fair enough.  How about just for the setter methods
>>> +     * @exception IllegalAccessException    if this {@code Field} object
>>> +     *              enforces Java language access control and the underlying
>>> +     *              field is inaccessible or is final.
>> I think a comma before the "and" would make this a bit clearer (as the two conjunctions might force the reader to read it more than once to get the meaning).
>> -Alan.
> How about for the setters
>    * @exception IllegalAccessException    if this {@code Field} object
>    *              enforces Java language access control and the underlying
>    *              field is either inaccessible or final.
> Updated webrev at
> Thanks,
> -Joe

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