testcase failure java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at oracle.com
Wed Oct 5 15:42:31 UTC 2011

Alan, Naoto, David

I filed CR 7098100: java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java fails intermittently.

If you're ok with it please review the patch (below) and I can push it 
to the tl repo. Job done!

 >: hg diff test/java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java
diff -r 24741fe639a8 test/java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java
--- a/test/java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java     Tue Oct 04 16:37:08 2011 
+++ b/test/java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java     Wed Oct 05 16:34:09 2011 
@@ -37,14 +37,15 @@ import sun.util.LocaleServiceProviderPoo
  import sun.util.LocaleServiceProviderPool;

  public class Bug6989440 {
-    public static void main(String[] args) {
-        TestThread t1 = new TestThread(LocaleNameProvider.class);
-        TestThread t2 = new TestThread(TimeZoneNameProvider.class);
-        TestThread t3 = new TestThread(DateFormatProvider.class);
-        t1.start();
-        t2.start();
-        t3.start();
+    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+        Thread[] threads = new Thread[3];
+        threads[0] = new TestThread(LocaleNameProvider.class);
+        threads[1] = new TestThread(TimeZoneNameProvider.class);
+        threads[2] = new TestThread(DateFormatProvider.class);
+        for (int i=0; i<threads.length; i++)
+            threads[i].start();
+        for (int i=0; i<threads.length; i++)
+            threads[i].join();


On 05/10/2011 15:57, Naoto Sato wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> I appreciate it, and will fix the test case.
> Naoto
> On 10/5/11 7:07 AM, Chris Hegarty wrote:
>> Alan, David,
>> I noticed CR 7027061 was closed as 'not a defect'. Should I file a new
>> CR to have the jtreg test fixed (join on all created threads)? The test
>> will still exercise what it is supposed to, and the
>> ConcurrentModificationException issue can be investigated at another
>> time. This way we can get more stable test runs.
>> -Chris.
>> On 04/10/2011 17:04, David Holmes wrote:
>>> Thanks Chris and Alan.
>>> On 4/10/2011 11:24 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:
>>>> Chris Hegarty wrote:
>>>>> Trivially, should the main thread in the test be waiting on the three
>>>>> other threads to complete before exiting?
>>>>> I think jtreg will try to cleanup once the main thread completes. The
>>>>> main thread should keep an array of the threads it creates and invoke
>>>>> join() on each of them before returning from main. We do this all the
>>>>> time in other areas.
>>>> Right, once the main thread completes then jtreg will attempt to
>>>> cleanup
>>>> the remaining non-daemon threads in the thread group. It does this by
>>>> interrupting each of the remaining threads in a loop up to a maximum
>>>> number of rounds or until the remaining threads have terminated.
>>> I wasn't aware of this behaviour from jtreg (but then I don't write such
>>> tests). It explains the jtreg "error". I expect the test threads are not
>>> responsive to interrupts (why should they be).
>>> The reported ConcurrentModificationException would indicate a potential
>>> issue still remaining in the locale code.
>>> David
>>> It's
>>>> possible that if the test is changed up to join on each of the 3
>>>> threads
>>>> that this intermittent failure will go away. If so, then it suggests to
>>>> me that perhaps the interrupt is causing a side effect that causes one
>>>> of the threads to go into a loop block uninterruptedly. This is just a
>>>> guess of course and it requires digging into the Locale code to come up
>>>> with specific theories.
>>>> -Alan.

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