October 2011 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Oct 1 01:28:59 UTC 2011
Ending: Mon Oct 31 23:24:50 UTC 2011
Messages: 234
- Test failure on Ubuntu 10.04 java/nio/channels/FileChannel/Transfers.java
Alan Bateman
- another testcase failure
Alan Bateman
- testcase failure
Alan Bateman
- testcase failure
Alan Bateman
- testcase failure java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java
Alan Bateman
- Patch to Throwable and StackTraceElement (reduced CPU usage)
Alan Bateman
- <i18n dev> testcase failure java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java
Alan Bateman
- detect server VM in reg test?
Alan Bateman
- Request for review - change two include header files according to POSIX.1-2008
Alan Bateman
- Request for review - change two include header files according to POSIX.1-2008
Alan Bateman
- Code review request: 7101658 : Backout 7082769 changes
Alan Bateman
- Request for review: [NEW BUG] Printer spoolers ignore result from spool process
Alan Bateman
- code review request : 7099658 : Properties.loadFromXML fails with ClassCastException
Alan Bateman
- Code Review 7104209: Cleanup and remove librmi (native library)
Alan Bateman
- Code Review 7104209: Cleanup and remove librmi (native library)
Alan Bateman
- jcheck conflict in jdk8/tl/jdk and awt repos: same CR # 7100054 used in two different changesets (one in tl, the other in awt forest)
Alan Bateman
- build error: sun/nio/ch/Util.java ?
Alan Bateman
- Code Review 7104650: rawtype warnings in java.nio.charset.Charset and sun.nio.ch.Util
Alan Bateman
- Code Review 7104650: rawtype warnings in java.nio.charset.Charset and sun.nio.ch.Util
Alan Bateman
- performance updates to jar and zip
Alan Bateman
- Codereview request for 7096080: UTF8 update and new CESU-8 charset
Alan Bateman
- Code Review Request for 4533691 (add Collections.EMPTY_SORTED_SET)
Alan Bateman
- code review request : 7105952: Improve finalisation for FileInputStream/FileOutputStream/RandomAccessFile
Alan Bateman
- JEP 111: Additional Unicode Constructs for Regular Expressions
Bruce Chapman
- Add Look&Feel support for AIX platform
Sean Chou
- code review request : 7099658 : Properties.loadFromXML fails with ClassCastException
Mandy Chung
- Code Review 7098755: test/sun/misc/JarIndex/metaInfFilenames/Basic.java should use supported compiler interface
Maurizio Cimadamore
- build error: sun/nio/ch/Util.java ?
Maurizio Cimadamore
- Code Review 7104650: rawtype warnings in java.nio.charset.Charset and sun.nio.ch.Util
Maurizio Cimadamore
- Code review request: 7101658 : Backout 7082769 changes
Seán Coffey
- code review request : 7099658 : Properties.loadFromXML fails with ClassCastException
Seán Coffey
- code review request : 7105952: Improve finalisation for FileInputStream/FileOutputStream/RandomAccessFile
Seán Coffey
- Code Review 7104209: Cleanup and remove librmi (native library)
Mike Duigou
- Code Review 7104209: Cleanup and remove librmi (native library)
Mike Duigou
- build error: sun/nio/ch/Util.java ?
Rémi Forax
- JEP 103: Parallel Array Sorting
Edward Harned
- testcase failure
Chris Hegarty
- testcase failure java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java
Chris Hegarty
- testcase failure java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java
Chris Hegarty
- <i18n dev> testcase failure java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java
Chris Hegarty
- JDK8 TL repo build fails in src/solaris/native/java/util/TimeZone_md.c
Chris Hegarty
- <i18n dev> testcase failure java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java
Chris Hegarty
- Code Review 7098755: test/sun/misc/JarIndex/metaInfFilenames/Basic.java should use supported compiler interface
Chris Hegarty
- <i18n dev> testcase failure java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java
Chris Hegarty
- <i18n dev> testcase failure java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java
Chris Hegarty
- Request for review - removal of unused dlinfo variable in java_md.c
Chris Hegarty
- <i18n dev> testcase failure java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java
Chris Hegarty
- <i18n dev> testcase failure java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java
Chris Hegarty
- Request for review - change two include header files according to POSIX.1-2008
Chris Hegarty
- Request for review - change two include header files according to POSIX.1-2008
Chris Hegarty
- Code Review 7104209: Cleanup and remove librmi (native library)
Chris Hegarty
- Code Review 7104209: Cleanup and remove librmi (native library)
Chris Hegarty
- Code Review 7104209: Cleanup and remove librmi (native library)
Chris Hegarty
- build error: sun/nio/ch/Util.java ?
Chris Hegarty
- build error: sun/nio/ch/Util.java ?
Chris Hegarty
- build error: sun/nio/ch/Util.java ?
Chris Hegarty
- build error: sun/nio/ch/Util.java ?
Chris Hegarty
- Code Review 7104650: rawtype warnings in java.nio.charset.Charset and sun.nio.ch.Util
Chris Hegarty
- build error: sun/nio/ch/Util.java ?
Chris Hegarty
- Code Review 7104650: rawtype warnings in java.nio.charset.Charset and sun.nio.ch.Util
Chris Hegarty
- testcase failure
David Holmes
- testcase failure
David Holmes
- testcase failure
David Holmes
- JEP 103: Parallel Array Sorting - proposal, reaction to Mr. Harned post
David Holmes
- testcase failure java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java
David Holmes
- <i18n dev> testcase failure java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java
David Holmes
- <i18n dev> testcase failure java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java
David Holmes
- <i18n dev> testcase failure java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java
David Holmes
- <i18n dev> testcase failure java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java
David Holmes
- <i18n dev> testcase failure java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java
David Holmes
- Patch to Throwable and StackTraceElement (reduced CPU usage)
David Holmes
- Patch to Throwable and StackTraceElement (reduced CPU usage)
David Holmes
- Patch to Throwable and StackTraceElement (reduced CPU usage)
David Holmes
- detect server VM in reg test?
David Holmes
- detect server VM in reg test?
David Holmes
- Patch to Throwable and StackTraceElement (reduced CPU usage)
David Holmes
- Request for review - change two include header files according to POSIX.1-2008
David Holmes
- Request for review - change two include header files according to POSIX.1-2008
David Holmes
- Request for review - change two include header files according to POSIX.1-2008
David Holmes
- Code Review 7104209: Cleanup and remove librmi (native library)
David Holmes
- build error: sun/nio/ch/Util.java ?
David Holmes
- build error: sun/nio/ch/Util.java ?
David Holmes
- build error: sun/nio/ch/Util.java ?
David Holmes
- build error: sun/nio/ch/Util.java ?
David Holmes
- Code Review 7104650: rawtype warnings in java.nio.charset.Charset and sun.nio.ch.Util
David Holmes
- Code Review Request for 4533691 (add Collections.EMPTY_SORTED_SET)
David Holmes
- JEP 103: Parallel Array Sorting - proposal, reaction to Mr. Harned post
Doug Lea
- Request for review - change two include header files according to POSIX.1-2008
Charles Lee
- Request for review - change two include header files according to POSIX.1-2008
Charles Lee
- Request for review - change two include header files according to POSIX.1-2008
Charles Lee
- Request for review - change two include header files according to POSIX.1-2008
Charles Lee
- Request for review - change two include header files according to POSIX.1-2008
Charles Lee
- Request for review - change two include header files according to POSIX.1-2008
Charles Lee
- Request for review - change two include header files according to POSIX.1-2008
Charles Lee
- JEP 103: Parallel Array Sorting - proposal, reaction to Mr. Harned post
Janda Martin
- Code review request: 7101658 : Backout 7082769 changes
Rob McKenna
- JDK 8 Code Review Request for 5029031 (coll) Collections.checkedQueue(Queue<T>, Class) is missing
Jason Mehrens
- Code Review Request for 4533691 (add Collections.EMPTY_SORTED_SET)
Jason Mehrens
- Collections.checkedQueue() offer method should not call add.
Jason Mehrens
- Code Review Request for 4533691 (add Collections.EMPTY_SORTED_SET)
Darryl Mocek
- 7081804: Remove cause field from javax.xml.crypto.NoSuchMechnismException
Sean Mullan
- JEP 103: Parallel Array Sorting - proposal, reaction to Mr. Harned post
Kasper Nielsen
- Test failure on Ubuntu 10.04 java/nio/channels/FileChannel/Transfers.java
Kelly O'Hair
- testcase failure
Kelly O'Hair
- another testcase failure
Kelly O'Hair
- Request for review - removal of unused dlinfo variable in java_md.c
Kelly O'Hair
- Request for review - removal of unused dlinfo variable in java_md.c
Kelly O'Hair
- Request for review - removal of unused dlinfo variable in java_md.c
Kelly O'Hair
- testcase failure
Kelly Ohair
- Request for review - change two include header files according to POSIX.1-2008
Anthony Petrov
- Request for review - removal of unused dlinfo variable in java_md.c
Steve Poole
- Request for review - removal of unused dlinfo variable in java_md.c
Steve Poole
- Request for review: [NEW BUG] Printer spoolers ignore result from spool process
Phil Race
- Patch to Throwable and StackTraceElement (reduced CPU usage)
Patrick Reinhart
- Patch to Throwable and StackTraceElement (reduced CPU usage)
Patrick Reinhart
- Patch to Throwable and StackTraceElement (reduced CPU usage)
Patrick Reinhart
- Patch to Throwable and StackTraceElement (reduced CPU usage)
Patrick Reinhart
- Request for review - removal of unused dlinfo variable in java_md.c
Neil Richards
- Request for review - removal of unused dlinfo variable in java_md.c
Neil Richards
- Request for review - change two include header files according to POSIX.1-2008
Neil Richards
- Request for review - change two include header files according to POSIX.1-2008
Neil Richards
- Request for review - change two include header files according to POSIX.1-2008
Neil Richards
- <Swing Dev> Add Look&Feel support for AIX platform
Neil Richards
- Request for review: [NEW BUG] Printer spoolers ignore result from spool process
Neil Richards
- Request for review: [NEW BUG] Printer spoolers ignore result from spool process
Neil Richards
- jcheck conflict in jdk8/tl/jdk and awt repos: same CR # 7100054 used in two different changesets (one in tl, the other in awt forest)
Neil Richards
- testcase failure
Naoto Sato
- testcase failure java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java
Naoto Sato
- testcase failure java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java
Naoto Sato
- <i18n dev> testcase failure java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java
Naoto Sato
- <i18n dev> testcase failure java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java
Naoto Sato
- <i18n dev> testcase failure java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java
Naoto Sato
- <i18n dev> testcase failure java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java
Naoto Sato
- <i18n dev> testcase failure java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java
Naoto Sato
- Codereview request for 7096080: UTF8 update and new CESU-8 charset
Xueming Shen
- Codereview request for 7096080: UTF8 update and new CESU-8 charset
Xueming Shen
- Codereview request for 7096080: UTF8 update and new CESU-8 charset
Xueming Shen
- performance updates to jar and zip
Xueming Shen
- performance updates to jar and zip
Xueming Shen
- performance updates to jar and zip
Xueming Shen
- performance updates to jar and zip
Xueming Shen
- JDK 8 Code Review Request for 5029031 (coll) Collections.checkedQueue(Queue<T>, Class) is missing
Sebastian Sickelmann
- 7081804: Remove cause field from javax.xml.crypto.NoSuchMechnismException
Sebastian Sickelmann
- JDK 8 Code Review Request for 5029031 (coll) Collections.checkedQueue(Queue<T>, Class) is missing
Sebastian Sickelmann
- 7081804: Remove cause field from javax.xml.crypto.NoSuchMechnismException
Sebastian Sickelmann
- 7081804: Remove cause field from javax.xml.crypto.NoSuchMechnismException
Sebastian Sickelmann
- Patch to Throwable and StackTraceElement (reduced CPU usage)
Mike Skells
- Patch to Throwable and StackTraceElement (reduced CPU usage)
Mike Skells
- Patch to Throwable and StackTraceElement (reduced CPU usage)
Mike Skells
- Patch to Throwable and StackTraceElement (reduced CPU usage)
Mike Skells
- Patch to Throwable and StackTraceElement (reduced CPU usage)
Mike Skells
- Patch to Throwable and StackTraceElement (reduced CPU usage)
Mike Skells
- Patch to Throwable and StackTraceElement (reduced CPU usage)
Mike Skells
- performance updates to jar and zip
Mike Skells
- performance updates to jar and zip
Mike Skells
- performance updates to jar and zip
Mike Skells
- performance updates to jar and zip
Mike Skells
- Request for review - removal of unused dlinfo variable in java_md.c
Kumar Srinivasan
- <i18n dev> testcase failure java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java
Kumar Srinivasan
- JEP 103: Parallel Array Sorting - proposal, reaction to Mr. Harned post
Andrew Thompson
- JEP 103: Parallel Array Sorting - proposal, reaction to Mr. Harned post
Andrew Thompson
- detect server VM in reg test?
Weijun Wang
- detect server VM in reg test?
Weijun Wang
- Codereview request for 7096080: UTF8 update and new CESU-8 charset
Ulf Zibis
- Codereview request for 7096080: UTF8 update and new CESU-8 charset
Ulf Zibis
- Codereview request for 7096080: UTF8 update and new CESU-8 charset
Ulf Zibis
- Codereview request for 7096080: UTF8 update and new CESU-8 charset
Ulf Zibis
- Codereview request for 7096080: UTF8 update and new CESU-8 charset
Ulf Zibis
- Codereview request for 7096080: UTF8 update and new CESU-8 charset
Ulf Zibis
- Codereview request for 7096080: UTF8 update and new CESU-8 charset
Ulf Zibis
- Codereview request for 7096080: UTF8 update and new CESU-8 charset
Ulf Zibis
- Codereview request for 7096080: UTF8 update and new CESU-8 charset
Ulf Zibis
- Code Review 7104650: rawtype warnings in java.nio.charset.Charset and sun.nio.ch.Util
Ulf Zibis
- Bug 6963115 - String.split() returns wrong result on short sequence
Ulf Zibis
- JEP 112: Charset Implementation Improvements
Ulf Zibis
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 2 new changesets
neil.richards at ngmr.net
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7100054: (porting) Native code should include fcntl.h and unistd.h rather than sys/fcntl.h and sys/unistd.h
neil.richards at ngmr.net
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7104577: Changes for 7104209 cause many RMI tests to fail
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7103889: (fs) Reduce String concatenation when iterating over directory
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7031830: bad_record_mac failure on TLSv1.2 enabled connection with SSLEngine
bradford.wetmore at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7105780: Add SSLSocket client/SSLEngine server to templates directory
bradford.wetmore at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7053252: New regression test does not compile on windows-amd64
bradford.wetmore at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 6953455: CookieStore.add() cannot handle null URI parameter, contrary to the API
chris.hegarty at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7095949: java/net/URLConnection/RedirectLimit.java and Redirect307Test fail intermittently
chris.hegarty at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7090499: missing rawtypes warnings in anonymous inner class
chris.hegarty at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7098719: -Dsun.net.maxDatagramSockets and Socket constructor does not work correctly with System.gc()
chris.hegarty at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7098755: test/sun/misc/JarIndex/metaInfFilenames/Basic.java should use supported compiler interface
chris.hegarty at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7099488: TwoStacksPlainSocketImpl should invoke super.create(stream), typo in fix for 7098719
chris.hegarty at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7102704: test/java/net/DatagramSocket/ChangingAddress.java failing
chris.hegarty at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7104209: Cleanup and remove librmi (native library)
chris.hegarty at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7103549: Remove dependencies on libjava and libjvm from security libraries
chris.hegarty at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7104650: rawtype warnings in several net, nio and security source files
chris.hegarty at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 7101146: Paths should more directly managed by BaseFileManager
jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 7104039: refactor/cleanup javac Paths class
jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl: 7 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/corba: 5 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jaxp: 5 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jaxws: 5 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 11 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/hotspot: 114 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 29 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- JEP 111: Additional Unicode Constructs for Regular Expressions
mark.reinhold at oracle.com
- JEP 112: Charset Implementation Improvements
mark.reinhold at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7092679: (tz) Java getting wrong timezone/DST info on Solaris 11; ...
masayoshi.okutsu at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 7090499: missing rawtypes warnings in anonymous inner class
maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 2 new changesets
maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 7102515: javac running very very long and not returning
maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 2 new changesets
maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 7104618: MessageInfo.java is failing after lexer changes
maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 2 new changesets
michael.x.mcmahon at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 5029031: Add Collections.checkedQueue()
mike.duigou at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7098394: JDK8 TL repo build fails in src/solaris/native/java/util/TimeZone_md.c
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7027061: Testcase failure: java/util/Locale/Bug6989440.java - java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- Auto Reply: core-libs-dev Digest, Vol 54, Issue 33
roger.riggs at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7099658: Properties.loadFromXML fails with ClassCastException
sean.coffey at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 2 new changesets
sean.mullan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 2 new changesets
sean.mullan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 2 new changesets
sean.mullan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 2 new changesets
sean.mullan at oracle.com
- Auto Reply: core-libs-dev Digest, Vol 54, Issue 42
sonali.goel at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7094377: Com.sun.jndi.ldap.read.timeout doesn't work with ldaps.
vincent.x.ryan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7099228: Use a PKCS11 config attribute to control encoding of an EC point
vincent.x.ryan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7099399: cannot deal with CRL file larger than 16MB
weijun.wang at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7104161: test/sun/tools/jinfo/Basic.sh fails on Ubuntu
weijun.wang at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7092375: Security Libraries don't build with javac -Werror
xuelei.fan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7105940: Test regression: KeyStore must be from provider SunPKCS11-NSSKeyStore
xuelei.fan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7106277: Brokenness in the seqNumberOverflow of MAC
xuelei.fan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7103108: (tz) Support tzdata2011l
yuka.kamiya at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7103405: Correct display names for Pacific/Apia timezone
yuka.kamiya at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7090046: Lots of invalid link in java.text.BreakIterator comments
yuka.kamiya at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 7098530: tools/javac/javazip/Test.sh can fail on Windows
jim.holmlund at sun.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 7104905: Java SE build fails on call to CreateSymbols
jim.holmlund at sun.com
- Patch to Throwable and StackTraceElement (reduced CPU usage)
mike.skells at talk21.com
- Patch to Throwable and StackTraceElement (reduced CPU usage)
mike.skells at talk21.com
Last message date:
Mon Oct 31 23:24:50 UTC 2011
Archived on: Wed Jun 1 15:19:58 UTC 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).