Patch to Throwable and StackTraceElement (reduced CPU usage)

Patrick Reinhart patrick at
Fri Oct 14 05:35:43 UTC 2011

Am 14.10.11 01:06, schrieb Mike Skells:
> Hi Patrick, David,
> David - I tried your suggestions, and I agree it must be faster, but 
> it is in the noise of my test env. not very satisfactory ....
> Patrick - Unfortunately Appendable doesn't provide all of the 
> interface that you need. All of the methods throw IOException and you 
> cannot append an int (for the line number)
I seem to be blind :-(  I only did a look on the implementers 
PrintWriter and PrintStream (which do not declare the IOException...), 

Also you got right with the line number, besides to use something as 
Integer.toString(int) makes the thing even slower I guess :-(


Patrick "Reini" Reinhart

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