RFR: javax.xml.xpath: Using ServiceLoader to load JAXP XPath factories (7169894: JAXP Plugability Layer: using service loader)

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
Fri Jan 11 14:27:41 UTC 2013


Here is a new webrev in the series that addresses using ServiceLoader in
JAXP for JDK 8.

7169894: JAXP Plugability Layer: using service loader

This changeset addresses modification in the javax.xml.xpath

This changes are very similar to the changes proposed for
the javax.xml.validation package, except that here we didn't
need to add a new Error class.


best regards,

-- daniel

previous unreviewed webrevs in the series:

[5] javax.xml.validation:

previous reviewed webrevs:

[1] javax.xml.parsers:

[2] javax.xml.datatype:

[3] javax.xml.stream

[4] javax.xml.transform

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