Time to put a stop to Thread.stop?

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Thu May 16 12:00:57 UTC 2013

On 16/05/2013 11:03, David Holmes wrote:
> Yes - I don't think we need @Retired as a stepping stone between 
> @Deprecated and gone. But to date @Deprecated's notion of "some point 
> in the future" is a future yet to materialize. :(
> But that more general debate deserves it's own thread.
Yes, this proposal was always likely to start a more bigger discussion 
and that would be good to have.

For this thread then the proposal is simply to scuttle 
Thread.stop(Throwable), maybe suspend/resume later. I'm not too 
concerned about jdk tests, we can change them. The only real concern is 
whether there are any real impact beyond the sleazy usages already 


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