2d reviewer please . Re: RFR : JDK-8046545 launcher fix to check function return values

Phil Race philip.race at oracle.com
Thu Jul 24 00:01:29 UTC 2014

I suspect Neil meant "2nd" reviewer. I can't see any 2D content here.

BTW Kumar - if there is a Contributed-by: I think jcheck will be OK with
you as committer and reviewer, however a 2nd reviewer is a very good 
idea in general


On 7/23/14 4:06 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
> I might suggest Phil Race or Andrew Brygin, but you could also just 
> send e-mail to 2d-dev at openjdk.java.net and ask for a volunteer (I am 
> not a Reviewer for 2D).
> -- Kevin
> Neil Toda wrote:
>> I'm hoping some one will volunteer to be a 2d reviewer so we can 
>> satisfy jcheck requirement for a 2d
>> review for this 8u patch.
>> It is a very simple set of macros and a couple of applications that 
>> we hope to use going forward
>> in making sure that JNI exceptions are caught in the launcher.
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ntoda/8046545/webrev-02/
>> Thanks
>> -neil
>> On 7/21/2014 9:31 AM, Neil Toda wrote:
>>> Hi Kumar
>>> Actually, the null check macros have different parameters. 
>>> NCRV_return_value is an integer.
>>> RETURNVALUE in CHECK_JNI_RETURN is a macro,  which allows us to have 
>>> only the two macros:
>>> and
>>> I also think it is cleaner since there are only two, and they are 
>>> for JNI, to keep them self contained.
>>> Would someone be willing to review webrev-02, which contain Kumar's 
>>> suggested change in the
>>> comments included with the macros.
>>> Thanks
>>> -neil
>>> On 7/19/2014 8:02 AM, Kumar Srinivasan wrote:
>>>> [ Since I am sponsoring this patch, I think jcheck needs one more 
>>>> Reviewer besides myself]
>>>> Neil,
>>>> looking at your webrev: 
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ntoda/8046545/webrev-02/
>>>> Can we not re-use the existing macro for null check ?
>>>> #define NULL_CHECK_RETURN_VALUE(NCRV_check_pointer, NCRV_return_value)
>>>> so thus your new macro would become....
>>>> -    do { \
>>>> -        if ((JNIRETURN) == NULL) { \
>>>> -            JLI_ReportErrorMessage(JNI_ERROR); \
>>>> -            RETURNVALUE; \
>>>> -        } \
>>>> -    } while (JNI_FALSE)
>>>> Kumar
>>>> On 7/18/2014 10:40 AM, Neil Toda wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Kumar.  Yes, misspoke here.  Will correct the comment.
>>>>> On 7/18/2014 10:35 AM, Kumar Srinivasan wrote:
>>>>>> Neil,
>>>>>> The fix looks good. However there is an inaccuracy in the comment:
>>>>>> + *  Normally, JNI calls do not return if an exception is thrown.
>>>>>> + *  However, this behavior can change in the future,
>>>>>> + *  so check for thrown exceptions.
>>>>>> This is not true, JNI calls *will* return if an exception is 
>>>>>> thrown, however best
>>>>>> JNI practices dictate that a pending Exception(s) must be cleared 
>>>>>> or caught, before
>>>>>> attempting another JNI call. Under such circumstances the return 
>>>>>> value will usually
>>>>>> be an error or a null value. I suggest making this change to 
>>>>>> reflect this.
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> Kumar
>>>>>> On 7/18/2014 9:53 AM, Neil Toda wrote:
>>>>>>> Please review this launcher change.
>>>>>>> Issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8046545
>>>>>>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ntoda/8046545/webrev-01/
>>>>>>> Summary:
>>>>>>> Introduce a set of macros for launcher to be used to check for 
>>>>>>> certain conditions after
>>>>>>> return from select functions.

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