RFR [9] 8041972: Add improved parse/format methods for Long/Integer

Claes Redestad claes.redestad at oracle.com
Tue Jun 17 15:43:32 UTC 2014

Ok, I'm working on improving code and comments based on feedback. I'll 
split the SharedSecrets part out, make the methods public and post a new 
webrev soon.


On 06/17/2014 04:21 PM, roger riggs wrote:
> Yes, that looks more consistent with the current versions.
> Though you want to see these for 8u, the preferred pattern is to make 
> the changes
> in 9 and then backport the result (in this case adding the shared 
> secrets aspect).
> Roger
> On 6/16/2014 4:13 PM, Claes Redestad wrote:
>> ...
>>> The terminology used in java.lang.String for offsets and indexes 
>>> into strings would
>>> be provide a consistent base for talking about substrings.
>> If we're taking cues from String.substring, I guess int beginIndex[, 
>> int fromIndex] would be more appropriate. How about:
>>     /**
>>      * Parses the character sequence argument in the specified {@code 
>> radix},
>>      * beginning at the specified {@code beginIndex} and extending to 
>> the
>>      * character at index {@code endIndex - 1}.
>>      *
>>      * @see java.lang.Integer#parseInt(String, int)
>>      * @param      s   the {@code CharSequence} containing the integer
>>      *                  representation to be parsed
>>      * @param      radix   the radix to be used while parsing {@code s}.
>>      * @param      beginIndex   the beginning index, inclusive.
>>      * @param      endIndex     the ending index, exclusive.
>>      * @return     the integer represented by the subsequence in the
>>      *             specified radix.
>>      */
>>     static int parseInt(CharSequence s, int radix, int beginIndex, 
>> int endIndex)
>> ?
>> Thanks!
>> /Claes

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