8035782 : sun/launcher/LauncherHelper$FXHelper loaded unnecessarily

Neil Toda neil.toda at oracle.com
Fri May 2 18:25:08 UTC 2014

"T"hanks DrD.


On 5/2/2014 9:10 AM, David DeHaven wrote:
> That's the first time the pentium bug ever worked in my favor... ;)
> The changes look good to me. approved (with a lower case 'a', since I'm not a Reviewer with an upper case 'R').
> -DrD-
>> 1) Redundant return removed.
>> 2) Kumar and I talked: Ever since the pentium bug, 1 in 80 trillion seems a big risk .. so the code was changed to
>>     check for equality with the whole class name:
>>     private static final String JAVAFX_FXHELPER_CLASS_NAME_SUFFIX =
>>             "sun.launcher.LauncherHelper$FXHelper";
>>    ...
>>         if (JAVAFX_FXHELPER_CLASS_NAME_SUFFIX.equals(mainClass.getName()) ||
>>             doesExtendFXApplication(mainClass)) {
>>             // Will abort() if there are problems with FX runtime
>>             FXHelper.setFXLaunchParameters(what, mode);
>>             return FXHelper.class;
>>         }
>> Thanks
>> -neil
>> On 5/1/2014 8:05 AM, David DeHaven wrote:
>>> Do we care about the 1 in more than 80 trillion case where the third party Main-Class would be named "LauncherHelper$FXHelper"? I think the probability is extremely unlikely so I'm fine with it the way it's written.
>>> LauncherHelper.java:
>>> 590         return;
>>> Redundant return statement?
>>> -DrD-
>>>> For completeness the bugid line needs the bugid as shown, otherwise SQE will open
>>>> another bug to have you fix this.
>>>> -26  * @bug 8001533 8004547
>>>> +26  * @bug 8001533 8004547 8035782
>>>> other than that it looks good, I can push this with the above change.
>>>> Anyone else have any concerns with this change before I push ?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Kumar
>>>> On 4/30/2014 1:47 PM, Neil Toda wrote:
>>>>> Please review Launcher change and test.
>>>>> I've added to the Launcher test : FXLauncherTest.java
>>>>> The test will now check that LauncherHelper$FXHelper is not loaded for non-JavaFX class and jar files.
>>>>> webrev.02 contains only review suggestions from webrev.01 and the new test class.
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ntoda/8035782/webrev.02/
>>>>> for bug:
>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8035782
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> -neil

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