RFR v4 - 8027634: Support @argfiles for java command-line tool

Henry Jen henry.jen at oracle.com
Thu Aug 13 17:36:16 UTC 2015

> On Aug 13, 2015, at 9:38 AM, Kumar Srinivasan <kumar.x.srinivasan at oracle.com> wrote:
> 3. void JLI_InitArgProcessing(jboolean isJava, jboolean disableArgFile) {
>    // No expansion for relaunch
> The launcher might re-exec itself, this might happen under certain
> circumstances on *nix, is the above logic to prevent subsequent
> expansion on relaunch ? However when a re-exec occurs, the
> expanded args will be sent to the second invocation of the launcher.
> So what does "relaunch" mean ? in your comment ?

Right, relaunch means that re-exec. As the first time, the arguments has expanded, we don’t want to do that again for succeeding runs.

For example an argument @@arg, it will become @arg at the second execution because of escape. That should not be expanded again.


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