August 2015 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Aug 1 04:36:05 UTC 2015
Ending: Mon Aug 31 19:42:32 UTC 2015
Messages: 243
- Unneeded size/fstat system call in for linux?
- Cache which java classes are in a jar when opening jar the first time during classloading
- Cache which java classes are in a jar when opening jar the first time during classloading
- RFR [9] 8132877: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for java.naming
Lance Andersen
- RFR [9] 8133115: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for java.util.logging, java.util.prefs,, java.util.jar
Lance Andersen
- RFR 9: 8133022: Instant.toEpochMilli() silently overflows
Lance Andersen
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8133231: Mark as failing intermittently
Lance Andersen
- RFR [9] 8133459: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) in java.nio docs
Lance Andersen
- RFR [9] 8133480: replace some <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) in core-libs docs
Lance Andersen
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8133808: Place java/lang/ProcessHandle/ on the Problem List
Lance Andersen
- RFR 8133939: javadoc clarification for java.sql.Date.toLocalDate()
Lance Andersen
- RFR 8133939: javadoc clarification for java.sql.Date.toLocalDate()
Lance Andersen
- Review request for JDK-8133924: NPE may be thrown when xsltc select a non-existing node after JDK-8062518
Lance Andersen
- RFR 8134426: Add serialVersionUID field to relevant javax.transaction classes
Lance Andersen
- RFR 8134426: Add serialVersionUID field to relevant javax.transaction classes
Lance Andersen
- RFR 8134426: Add serialVersionUID field to relevant javax.transaction classes
Lance Andersen
- [9] RFR: 8134520: Bug8134250 test fails in en_IE locale
Lance Andersen
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8134678: Problem list SecurityManager/
Lance Andersen
- Reponse to bug report (spurious ConcurrentModificationException in ArrayList)
Cyrille Artho
- RFR: 8132306: java/lang/ref/ fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
Kim Barrett
- RFR: 8132306: java/lang/ref/ fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
Kim Barrett
- RFR/RFA (8u-dev) 8133253: [TESTBUG] java/lang/Class/getDeclaredField/ fails on compact profile
Alan Bateman
- [9] Review request JDK-8131667: JAX-WS Plugability Layer: using java.util.ServiceLoader
Alan Bateman
- RFR 8134426: Add serialVersionUID field to relevant javax.transaction classes
Alan Bateman
- RFR 8134426: Add serialVersionUID field to relevant javax.transaction classes
Alan Bateman
- Cache which java classes are in a jar when opening jar the first time during classloading
Alan Bateman
- [JDK-8080741] sigsegv while heap dumping in java_lang_Class::signers(oopDesc*)+0x1b
- RFR 8073056: Repeating annotations throws with a SecurityManager
Joel Borggrén-Franck
- RFR [9] 8132877: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for java.naming
Martin Buchholz
- RFR [9] 8132877: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for java.naming
Martin Buchholz
- RFR JDK-8022224: Intermittent test failures in sun/nio/cs/, ,
Martin Buchholz
- RFR JDK-8022224: Intermittent test failures in sun/nio/cs/, ,
Martin Buchholz
- RFR 8124977 cmdline encoding challenges on Windows
Martin Buchholz
- RFR [9] 8133188: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for java.util
Martin Buchholz
- RFR [9] 8133188: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for java.util
Martin Buchholz
- RFR [XXS] 8134356: {@code} tag contains < and > sequences
Martin Buchholz
- RFR [XXS] 8134356: {@code} tag contains < and > sequences
Martin Buchholz
- RFR [XXS] 8134356: {@code} tag contains < and > sequences
Martin Buchholz
- LittleEndian in DataInputStream
Sergey Bylokhov
- RFR: JDK-8062849 -- Optimize EnumMap.equals
Brent Christian
- RFR: 8132306: java/lang/ref/ fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
Mandy Chung
- RFR v5 - 8027634: Support @argfiles for java command-line tool
Mandy Chung
- RFR v5 - 8027634: Support @argfiles for java command-line tool
Mandy Chung
- RFR v5 - 8027634: Support @argfiles for java command-line tool
Mandy Chung
- RFR v6 - 8027634: Support @argfiles for java command-line tool
Mandy Chung
- Review request: 8132944: test java/lang/ClassLoader/ writes stuff to Agent stdout
Mandy Chung
- RFR v6 - 8027634: Support @argfiles for java command-line tool
Mandy Chung
- jtreg test failure
Maurizio Cimadamore
- jtreg test failure
Maurizio Cimadamore
- jtreg test failure
Maurizio Cimadamore
- RFR 9: 8133022: Instant.toEpochMilli() silently overflows
Stephen Colebourne
- RFR JDK-8133079 LocalDate/LocalTime ofInstant()
Stephen Colebourne
- Chair voting to approve 8041565: JMX ObjectName could be refactored to save memory <EOM>
Joseph D. Darcy
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8133588: Place on the problem lis
Joseph D. Darcy
- RFR 8073056: Repeating annotations throws with a SecurityManager
Joseph D. Darcy
- @Finalized
Andrew Dinn
- [9] RFR: 8133321: (tz) Support tzdata2015f
Aleksej Efimov
- Review request for JDK-8133924: NPE may be thrown when xsltc select a non-existing node after JDK-8062518
Aleksej Efimov
- Review request: JDK-8080108: [TEST_BUG] ERROR: No IPv6 address returned from platform
Alexander Fomin
- Review request: JDK-8080108: [TEST_BUG] ERROR: No IPv6 address returned from platform
Alexander Fomin
- U60 change makes annotations visible in synthesized methods, causes CDI to see lambdas as observer methods
Remi Forax
- RFR [9] 8132468: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for, java.lang, java.math
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR [9] 8132877: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for java.naming
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR [9] 8132468: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for, java.lang, java.math
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR [9] 8132877: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for java.naming
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR [9] 8132468: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for, java.lang, java.math
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR [9] 8133040: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR 9: 8133022: Instant.toEpochMilli() silently overflows
Daniel Fuchs
- RFR 9: 8133022: Instant.toEpochMilli() silently overflows
Ivan Gerasimov
- RFR 9: 8133022: Instant.toEpochMilli() silently overflows
Ivan Gerasimov
- RFR/RFA (8u-dev) 8133253: [TESTBUG] java/lang/Class/getDeclaredField/ fails on compact profile
Ivan Gerasimov
- RFR [XXS] 8134356: {@code} tag contains < and > sequences
Ivan Gerasimov
- RFR [XXS] 8134356: {@code} tag contains < and > sequences
Ivan Gerasimov
- RFR [XXS] 8134356: {@code} tag contains < and > sequences
Ivan Gerasimov
- RFR [XXS] 8134356: {@code} tag contains < and > sequences
Ivan Gerasimov
- U60 change makes annotations visible in synthesized methods, causes CDI to see lambdas as observer methods
Brian Goetz
- Replacement for sun.misc.Unsafe.allocateInstance(Class<?>) ?
Andrew Haley
- Replacement for sun.misc.Unsafe.allocateInstance(Class<?>) ?
Andrew Haley
- @Finalized
Andrew Haley
- [9] RFR: 8060717: [TESTBUG] Improve test coverage of MethodHandles.explicitCastArguments()
Michael Haupt
- [9] RFR: 8133543: [TESTBUG] java/lang/invoke/LFCaching/ should be modified
Michael Haupt
- Review request: JDK-8080108: [TEST_BUG] ERROR: No IPv6 address returned from platform
Chris Hegarty
- Review request: JDK-8080108: [TEST_BUG] ERROR: No IPv6 address returned from platform
Chris Hegarty
- RFR JDK-8022224: Intermittent test failures in sun/nio/cs/, ,
Chris Hegarty
- RFR JDK-8022224: Intermittent test failures in sun/nio/cs/, ,
Chris Hegarty
- RFR 9: 8133022: Instant.toEpochMilli() silently overflows
Chris Hegarty
- RFR 9: 8133022: Instant.toEpochMilli() silently overflows
Chris Hegarty
- Replacement for sun.misc.Unsafe.allocateInstance(Class<?>) ?
David Holmes
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8133588: Place on the problem lis
David Holmes
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8133588: Place on the problem lis
David Holmes
- Review request: 8132944: test java/lang/ClassLoader/ writes stuff to Agent stdout
David Holmes
- Reponse to bug report (spurious ConcurrentModificationException in ArrayList)
David Holmes
- RFR/RFA (8u-dev) 8133253: [TESTBUG] java/lang/Class/getDeclaredField/ fails on compact profile
David Holmes
- Unneeded size/fstat system call in for linux?
David Holmes
- Cache which java classes are in a jar when opening jar the first time during classloading
David Holmes
- Documentation nit for JDK-8023862
Ben Horstman
- [9] RFR: 8060717: [TESTBUG] Improve test coverage of MethodHandles.explicitCastArguments()
Vladimir Ivanov
- [9] RFR: 8133543: [TESTBUG] java/lang/invoke/LFCaching/ should be modified
Vladimir Ivanov
- [9] RFR: 8060717: [TESTBUG] Improve test coverage of MethodHandles.explicitCastArguments()
Vladimir Ivanov
- RFR v4 - 8027634: Support @argfiles for java command-line tool
Henry Jen
- RFR v4 - 8027634: Support @argfiles for java command-line tool
Henry Jen
- RFR v4 - 8027634: Support @argfiles for java command-line tool
Henry Jen
- RFR v5 - 8027634: Support @argfiles for java command-line tool
Henry Jen
- RFR v5 - 8027634: Support @argfiles for java command-line tool
Henry Jen
- RFR v5 - 8027634: Support @argfiles for java command-line tool
Henry Jen
- RFR v5 - 8027634: Support @argfiles for java command-line tool
Henry Jen
- RFR v6 - 8027634: Support @argfiles for java command-line tool
Henry Jen
- RFR v6 - 8027634: Support @argfiles for java command-line tool
Henry Jen
- RFR v6 - 8027634: Support @argfiles for java command-line tool
Henry Jen
- RFR - 8027634: Support @argfiles for java command-line tool
Erik Joelsson
- RFR v4 - 8027634: Support @argfiles for java command-line tool
Erik Joelsson
- [9] Review request JDK-8131667: JAX-WS Plugability Layer: using java.util.ServiceLoader
Miroslav Kos
- [9] Review request JDK-8131667: JAX-WS Plugability Layer: using java.util.ServiceLoader
Miroslav Kos
- [9] Review request JDK-8131667: JAX-WS Plugability Layer: using java.util.ServiceLoader
Miroslav Kos
- RFR(XS): 8133830: [solaris] Fix for potential memory leak in TimeZone_md.c, function findJavaTZ_md()
Langer, Christoph
- @Finalized
Doug Lea
- @Finalized
Doug Lea
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8079769: tools/pack200/ may timeout at preparing the large test file
Amy Lu
- RFR [9] 8132468: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for, java.lang, java.math
Stuart Marks
- RFR(s): 8132800: clarify stream package documentation regarding sequential vs parallel modes
Stuart Marks
- RFR(m): 8072722: add stream support to Scanner
Stuart Marks
- RFR(s): 8132800: clarify stream package documentation regarding sequential vs parallel modes
Stuart Marks
- RFR [9] 8132468: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for, java.lang, java.math
Stuart Marks
- RFR (M/L): 8131168: Refactor ProcessHandleImpl_*.c and add implememtation for AIX
Stuart Marks
- RFR (M/L): 8131168: Refactor ProcessHandleImpl_*.c and add implememtation for AIX
Stuart Marks
- RFR (M/L): 8131168: Refactor ProcessHandleImpl_*.c and add implememtation for AIX
Stuart Marks
- RFR: 8129957 - Deadlock in JNDI LDAP implementation when closing the LDAP context
Rob McKenna
- RFR/RFA (8u-dev) 8133253: [TESTBUG] java/lang/Class/getDeclaredField/ fails on compact profile
Rob McKenna
- [9] RFR: 8133321: (tz) Support tzdata2015f
Masayoshi Okutsu
- RFR [9] 8132478: [tidy] three new warnings from java docs (, javax.annotation)
Lance at Oracle
- RFR [9] 8132468: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for, java.lang, java.math
Pavel Rappo
- WebSocket client API
Pavel Rappo
- RFR 9: 8133022: Instant.toEpochMilli() silently overflows
Roger Riggs
- RFR 9: 8133022: Instant.toEpochMilli() silently overflows
Roger Riggs
- RFR 9: 8133022: Instant.toEpochMilli() silently overflows
Roger Riggs
- RFR (M/L): 8131168: Refactor ProcessHandleImpl_*.c and add implememtation for AIX
Roger Riggs
- RFR(XS): 8133105: Fix getFinalAttributes() on Windows to handle more special cases
Roger Riggs
- RFR (M/L): 8131168: Refactor ProcessHandleImpl_*.c and add implememtation for AIX
Roger Riggs
- RFR JDK-8039390: Unexpected behaviour of String.format with null arguments
Roger Riggs
- RFR (M/L): 8131168: Refactor ProcessHandleImpl_*.c and add implememtation for AIX
Roger Riggs
- RFR (M/L): 8131168: Refactor ProcessHandleImpl_*.c and add implememtation for AIX
Roger Riggs
- LittleEndian in DataInputStream
Roger Riggs
- RFR(s): 8132800: clarify stream package documentation regarding sequential vs parallel modes
Paul Sandoz
- RFR(s): 8132800: clarify stream package documentation regarding sequential vs parallel modes
Paul Sandoz
- RFR(s): 8132800: clarify stream package documentation regarding sequential vs parallel modes
Paul Sandoz
- Spliterator documentation on Priority(Blocking)Queue
Paul Sandoz
- Spliterator documentation on Priority(Blocking)Queue
Paul Sandoz
- Spliterator documentation on Priority(Blocking)Queue
Paul Sandoz
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8132854: Adjust tier 1 and 2 definitions for nio-related intrinsics
Paul Sandoz
- jtreg test failure
Naoto Sato
- jtreg test failure
Naoto Sato
- jtreg test failure
Naoto Sato
- [9] RFR: 8134520: Bug8134250 test fails in en_IE locale
Naoto Sato
- [9] RFR: 8060717: [TESTBUG] Improve test coverage of MethodHandles.explicitCastArguments()
Konstantin Shefov
- [9] RFR: 8060717: [TESTBUG] Improve test coverage of MethodHandles.explicitCastArguments()
Konstantin Shefov
- [9] RFR: 8060717: [TESTBUG] Improve test coverage of MethodHandles.explicitCastArguments()
Konstantin Shefov
- [9] RFR: 8060717: [TESTBUG] Improve test coverage of MethodHandles.explicitCastArguments()
Konstantin Shefov
- [9] RFR: 8060717: [TESTBUG] Improve test coverage of MethodHandles.explicitCastArguments()
Konstantin Shefov
- [9] RFR: 8133543: [TESTBUG] java/lang/invoke/LFCaching/ should be modified
Konstantin Shefov
- [9] RFR: 8060717: [TESTBUG] Improve test coverage of MethodHandles.explicitCastArguments()
Konstantin Shefov
- RFR JDK-8022224: Intermittent test failures in sun/nio/cs/, ,
Xueming Shen
- RFR 9: 8133022: Instant.toEpochMilli() silently overflows
Xueming Shen
- RFR JDK-8039390: Unexpected behaviour of String.format with null arguments
Xueming Shen
- @Finalized
Aleksey Shipilev
- RFR 8124977 cmdline encoding challenges on Windows
Kirk Shoop
- RFR (M/L): 8131168: Refactor ProcessHandleImpl_*.c and add implememtation for AIX
Volker Simonis
- RFR(XS): 8133105: Fix getFinalAttributes() on Windows to handle more special cases
Volker Simonis
- RFR 9: 8133022: Instant.toEpochMilli() silently overflows
Volker Simonis
- RFR(XS): 8133105: Fix getFinalAttributes() on Windows to handle more special cases
Volker Simonis
- RFR (M/L): 8131168: Refactor ProcessHandleImpl_*.c and add implememtation for AIX
Volker Simonis
- RFR(XS): 8133105: Fix getFinalAttributes() on Windows to handle more special cases
Volker Simonis
- RFR (M/L): 8131168: Refactor ProcessHandleImpl_*.c and add implememtation for AIX
Volker Simonis
- RFR (M/L): 8131168: Refactor ProcessHandleImpl_*.c and add implememtation for AIX
Volker Simonis
- RFR (M/L): 8131168: Refactor ProcessHandleImpl_*.c and add implememtation for AIX
Volker Simonis
- RFR 8124977 cmdline encoding challenges on Windows
Kumar Srinivasan
- RFR v4 - 8027634: Support @argfiles for java command-line tool
Kumar Srinivasan
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8079769: tools/pack200/ may timeout at preparing the large test file
Kumar Srinivasan
- RFR v4 - 8027634: Support @argfiles for java command-line tool
Kumar Srinivasan
- RFR v6 - 8027634: Support @argfiles for java command-line tool
Kumar Srinivasan
- RFR v6 - 8027634: Support @argfiles for java command-line tool
Kumar Srinivasan
- RFR [9] 8132468: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for, java.lang, java.math
Alexander Stepanov
- RFR [9] 8132877: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for java.naming
Alexander Stepanov
- RFR [9] 8132468: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for, java.lang, java.math
Alexander Stepanov
- RFR [9] 8132877: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for java.naming
Alexander Stepanov
- RFR [9] 8132877: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for java.naming
Alexander Stepanov
- RFR [9] 8132468: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for, java.lang, java.math
Alexander Stepanov
- RFR [9] 8132877: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for java.naming
Alexander Stepanov
- RFR [9] 8132468: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for, java.lang, java.math
Alexander Stepanov
- RFR [9] 8132877: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for java.naming
Alexander Stepanov
- RFR [9] 8132877: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for java.naming
Alexander Stepanov
- RFR [9] 8132877: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for java.naming
Alexander Stepanov
- RFR [9] 8132468: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for, java.lang, java.math
Alexander Stepanov
- RFR [9] 8133040: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for
Alexander Stepanov
- RFR [9] 8133040: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for
Alexander Stepanov
- RFR [9] 8132468: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for, java.lang, java.math
Alexander Stepanov
- RFR [9] 8133040: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for
Alexander Stepanov
- RFR [9] 8133115: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for java.util.logging, java.util.prefs,, java.util.jar
Alexander Stepanov
- RFR [9] 8133115: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for java.util.logging, java.util.prefs,, java.util.jar
Alexander Stepanov
- RFR [9] 8133188: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for java.util
Alexander Stepanov
- RFR [9] 8133188: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for java.util
Alexander Stepanov
- RFR [9] 8133188: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for java.util
Alexander Stepanov
- RFR [9] 8133459: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) in java.nio docs
Alexander Stepanov
- RFR [9] 8133459: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) in java.nio docs
Alexander Stepanov
- RFR [9] 8133480: replace some <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) in core-libs docs
Alexander Stepanov
- RFR [9] 8133480: replace some <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) in core-libs docs
Alexander Stepanov
- RFR [9] 8132478: [tidy] three new warnings from java docs (, javax.annotation)
Alexander Stepanov
- RFR [9] 8132478: [tidy] three new warnings from java docs (, javax.annotation)
Alexander Stepanov
- RFR(XS): 8133830: [solaris] Fix for potential memory leak in TimeZone_md.c, function findJavaTZ_md()
Thomas Stüfe
- JAVADOC clarification needed in Class.getMethod
Jochen Theodorou
- RFR(s): 8132800: clarify stream package documentation regarding sequential vs parallel modes
Tagir Valeev
- RFR(s): 8132800: clarify stream package documentation regarding sequential vs parallel modes
Tagir Valeev
- Spliterator documentation on Priority(Blocking)Queue
Tagir Valeev
- Spliterator documentation on Priority(Blocking)Queue
Tagir Valeev
- Spliterator documentation on Priority(Blocking)Queue
Tagir Valeev
- RFR(s): 8132800: clarify stream package documentation regarding sequential vs parallel modes
Tagir Valeev
- Possible long overflow in Collectors.averagingLong and LongStream.average
Tagir F. Valeev
- Possible long overflow in Collectors.averagingLong and LongStream.average
Tagir F. Valeev
- [PATCH] Re: Custom spliterator for Collections.nCopies(n, obj).stream()
Tagir F. Valeev
- [PATCH] Re: Custom spliterator for Collections.nCopies(n, obj).stream()
Tagir F. Valeev
- How to write test requiring a specific locale?
Weijun Wang
- Replacement for sun.misc.Unsafe.allocateInstance(Class<?>) ?
Florian Weimer
- Where is Tristan
Tristan Yan
- JAVADOC clarification needed in Class.getMethod
Kyung Koo Yoon
- JAVADOC clarification needed in Class.getMethod
Kyung Koo Yoon
- JAVADOC clarification needed in Class.getMethod
Kyung Koo Yoon
- Cache which java classes are in a jar when opening jar the first time during classloading
Jonathan Yu
- Review request for JDK-8132660: Change jaxp unit test package name to be different with jaxp api
Frank Yuan
- Review request for JDK-8132660: Change jaxp unit test package name to be different with jaxp api
Frank Yuan
- Review request for JDK-8133924: NPE may be thrown when xsltc select a non-existing node after JDK-8062518
Frank Yuan
- Review request for JDK-8133924: NPE may be thrown when xsltc select a non-existing node after JDK-8062518
Frank Yuan
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8132854: Adjust tier 1 and 2 definitions for nio-related intrinsics
joe darcy
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8133231: Mark as failing intermittently
joe darcy
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8133588: Place on the problem lis
joe darcy
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8133808: Place java/lang/ProcessHandle/ on the Problem List
joe darcy
- JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8134678: Problem list SecurityManager/
joe darcy
- JEP 259: Stack-Walking API
mark.reinhold at
- Encapsulating internal APIs in JDK 9 (sun.misc.Unsafe, etc.)
mark.reinhold at
- U60 change makes annotations visible in synthesized methods, causes CDI to see lambdas as observer methods
arjan tijms
- Review request for JDK-8132660: Change jaxp unit test package name to be different with jaxp api
huizhe wang
- Review request for JDK-8132660: Change jaxp unit test package name to be different with jaxp api
huizhe wang
- RFR 8133939: javadoc clarification for java.sql.Date.toLocalDate()
huizhe wang
- Review request for JDK-8133924: NPE may be thrown when xsltc select a non-existing node after JDK-8062518
huizhe wang
- RFR 8134426: Add serialVersionUID field to relevant javax.transaction classes
huizhe wang
Last message date:
Mon Aug 31 19:42:32 UTC 2015
Archived on: Wed Jun 1 15:21:27 UTC 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).