[9] Review request JDK-8131667: JAX-WS Plugability Layer: using java.util.ServiceLoader

Miroslav Kos miroslav.kos at oracle.com
Fri Aug 21 10:12:09 UTC 2015

Hi Alan,
yes, I know the error/exception handling is really bad here - it isn't 
anywhere defined properly. In addition, although the code in JAX-B / 
JAX-WS / SAAJ was most probably "developed" using cut&paste, it isn't 
very consistent.

I tried to improve it a little bit, but I am not sure how much may I 
change the behavior because of backwards compatibility. I would prefer 
fail fast if configuration is wrong, but may I? Maybe Georgiy (added) 
could advise on that?

Anyway even if we don't change it, there should be added some logging.


On 20/08/15 19:18, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 19/08/2015 16:37, Miroslav Kos wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> I am sending changes for review.
>> CCC: http://ccc.us.oracle.com/8131667
>> JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8131667
>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mkos/8131667/jaxws.01/
>> It's about migrating to standard java.util.ServiceLoader. This part 
>> of service discovery was implemented previously "own" way. There are 
>> some changes in javadoc and implementation has been refactored in 
>> order to use same code as is in JAX-B and SAAJ.
> I skimmed through this and it mostly looks okay. One thing that 
> probably should be re-examined is the catch Exception in 
> fromJDKProperties as an exception accessing or parsing 
> jaxws.properties will be difficult to diagnose with the code as it is.
> -Alan

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