Explicit Serialization API and Security

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at oracle.com
Fri Jan 23 14:41:52 UTC 2015

I have attempted to capture some of the ideas that we have discussed so far.



On 21/01/15 21:43, David M. Lloyd wrote:
> At some point, the responsibility *must* fall on the author of the
> serializable class in question to avoid constructs which are exploitable
> - like finalizers, and classes that can have side-effects before
> validation can be completed.
> On 01/21/2015 02:26 PM, Peter Firmstone wrote:
>> Don't forget that "null" may also be an invalid state.
>> What I have learnt so far:
>>    1. An attacker can craft a stream to obtain a reference to any object
>>       created during deserialization, using finalizers or circular links
>>       (there may be yet other undiscovered methods).
>>    2. An attacker can craft a stream that deliberately doesn't satisfy
>>       invariants, in order to use an object to perform a function that
>>       wasn't intended by its developer.
>>    3. Objects that interact with the stream directly using readObject et
>>       al, are often prone to DOS.  Example, many objects read a length
>>       integer from the stream when creating an array or collection,
>>       without first validating it.
>>    4. Objects that interact directly with the stream become an implicit
>>       part of the stream protocol.
>>    5. Once you allow an object to be created, it's too late to
>>       invalidate invariants, unless the class is final and invariants
>>       are checked in every method call.
>>    6. We need to be able to restrict classes used for deserialization to
>>       those we trust to check invariants properly (but we haven't
>>       provided a way for them to avoid object construction yet).
>>    7. A static validator method can ONLY be used to check field
>>       invariants, not other objects and primitives that are read
>>       directly from the stream by an arbitrary Object during the process
>>       of deserialization.
>>    8. The jvm can be modified to delay finalizer registration for
>>       deserialization.
>>    9. Circular links can be disallowed.
>> Ultimately however, all proposed changes add complexity, but when an
>> object has been created with invalid invariants, an attacker will find a
>> way.
>> Thank you all for your time, this has been a very good discussion.
>> Regards,
>> Peter.
>> On 22/01/2015 2:27 AM, Chris Hegarty wrote:
>>> On 20/01/15 20:22, Peter Levart wrote:
>>>> Hi Chris and Peter,
>>>> It just occurred to me that the following scheme would provide failure
>>>> atomicity for the whole Object regardless of whether readObject methods
>>>> are used or not for various classes in hierarchy:
>>>> - allocate uninitialized instance
>>>> - call default accessible constructor of the most specific
>>>> non-Serializable class
>>>> - deserialize (by calling readObject methods where provided) the fields
>>>> of all classes in hierarchy like normally
>>>> (up to this point, nothing is changed from what we have now)
>>>> - if deserialization fails anywhere, undo everything by setting all the
>>>> fields in the Serializable part of the hierarchy to default values
>>>> (null
>>>> for references, 0 for primitives), abandon the object and propagate
>>>> failure.
>>> I think this is a good idea, and I can prototype something to this
>>> affect.
>>> -Chris.
>>>> While deserializing, the object is in inconsistent state. If
>>>> deserialization fails, this state is rolled-back to uninitialized
>>>> state.
>>>> finalize() can still get to the instance, but it will be uninitialized.
>>>> Peter
>>>> On 01/14/2015 01:58 PM, Peter Firmstone wrote:
>>>>> Hi Chris,
>>>>> Sorry, no.
>>>>> Currently when an ObjectStreamClass is read in from the stream, the
>>>>> framework searches for the first zero arg constructor of a non
>>>>> serializable class and creates and instance of the class read and
>>>>> resolved from the stream, however it does so using a super class
>>>>> constructor.
>>>>> Then from the super class down, fields are read in and set in order
>>>>> for each class in the object's inheritance hierarchy.
>>>>> The alternative I propose, doesn't create the instance, instead it
>>>>> reads the fields from the stream, one by one and without instantiating
>>>>> them, if they are newly read objects, stores them temporarily into
>>>>> byte [] arrays in a Map with reference handle keys, otherwise it just
>>>>> holds the reference handle.
>>>>> What it does next is wrap this information into a caller sensitive
>>>>> api, GetFields or ReadSerial instance, that is passed as a constructor
>>>>> parameter to the child class serial constructor.
>>>>> The child class checks invariants and reads each field it needs using
>>>>> a static method prior to calling a superclass constructor, each class
>>>>> in the inheritance hierarchy for the object then checks its invariants
>>>>> until it gets to the first non serializable superclass.
>>>>> The benefit of this order is that each class is present in the thread
>>>>> security context, so protection domain security and invariants are
>>>>> enforced before instantiating an object.
>>>>> Hope this helps illuminate it a little better, regards,
>>>>> Peter.
>>>>> ----- Original message -----
>>>>> > Peter F,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I am still struggling with the basic concept of you proposal. Let me
>>>>> see
>>>>> > if I understand it correctly. Does the following describe a similar
>>>>> > scenario as you envisage:
>>>>> >
>>>>> >    1) For each Serializable type, T, in the deserialized types
>>>>> >          hierarchy, starting with the top most ( closest to
>>>>> j.l.Object ),
>>>>> >
>>>>> >          1a) Read T's fields from the stream, fields
>>>>> >
>>>>> >          1b) validate(t, fields)  // t will be null first time
>>>>> >
>>>>> >          1c) allocate a new instance of T, and assign to t
>>>>> >
>>>>> >          1d) set fields in t
>>>>> >
>>>>> >    2) Return t;
>>>>> >
>>>>> > So for each level in the hierarchy, an instance of a type is created
>>>>> > only after its invariants have been checked. This instance is then
>>>>> > passed to the next level so it can participate in that levels
>>>>> invariants
>>>>> > validation.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > If this scenario is along the same lines as yours, then I just don't
>>>>> see
>>>>> > how 1c above will always be possible.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > If we could somehow make the object caller sensitive until after
>>>>> > deserialization completes, then could avoid having to try to
>>>>> allocate
>>>>> > multiple instance down the hierarchy.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > -Chris.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > On 13/01/15 10:24, Peter Firmstone wrote:
>>>>> > > Could we use a static validator method and generate bytecode for
>>>>> > > constructors dynamically?
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > The developer can optionally implement the constructors.
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > static GetField invariantCheck(GetField f);
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > Create a caller sensitive GetField implementation and add a two
>>>>> new
>>>>> > > methods to GetField:
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > abstract Object createSuper(); // to access superclass
>>>>> objectmethods
>>>>> > > for inavariant checking.
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > abstract Class getType(String name);
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > Set fields from within constructors.
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > The generated constructors are straight forward:
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > 1. Call static method.
>>>>> > > 2. Call super class constructor with result from static method.
>>>>> > > 3. Set final fields
>>>>> > > 4. How to set transient fields, implement a private method called
>>>>> from
>>>>> > > within the constructor?
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > Require a permission to extend GetField?
>>>>> > >

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