Explicit Serialization API and Security
Peter Firmstone
peter.firmstone at zeus.net.au
Mon Jan 26 14:16:38 UTC 2015
Thanks Chris,
I've been playing around with a working prototype.
Attached is an example functional AtomicSerial implementation called
Matches.java, (there are other implementations of AtomicSerial also in
use) although in this case I'm using a serial constructor, it would also
work with a static validator.
GetArg and PutArg are caller sensitive wrappers around GetField and
PutField, that require privilege to instantiate, to prevent an attacker
using them.
Looking at the very verbose output attached, there are three jvm's
communicating using Jini Extensible Remote Invocation (JERI, was a
replacement for RMI).
A side note: JERI scales and outperforms RMI considerably; all hotspots
are native methods, mostly Sockets, without this level of verbosity of
course. ClassLoading is thread confined to avoid contended
synchronization, its URLClassLoader's use RFC3986 URI normalization for
URL identity in SecureClassLoader instead of DNS lookup (IP addresses)
and the policy provider uses immutability to ensure good scalability
with <1% impact on performance, plus a heap of other optimisations I've
probably forgotten about.
In the output attached (Prototype ValidatingInputStream) you'll find
CIRCULAR (ctrl-f), this is an enum Reference placeholder, returned
through GetField when a circular reference exists. Circular is replaced
by the actual object after construction. Other instances of this enum
DISCARDED is experimental and used to mark objects that have been
discarded from the stream without being instantiated.
Although in this case numerous Serializable object instances are being
deserialized, classes that implement Serializable and AtomicSerial can
have identical serial form, so can be cross compatible. Block data
written by writeObject is discarded from the stream when using
AtomicSerial, only fields are consumed by AtomicSerial constructors.
This ensures code isn't necessary for cross language compatibility.
The intent is to apply constraints via JERI and use a safer
ObjectInputStream for untrusted endpoints, while using a standard
ObjectInputStream with trusted authenticated endpoints.
DeSerializationPermission is granted to packages or individual classes,
via a jvm wide default policy file grant statement:
grant {
permission net.jini.io.DeSerializationPermission
permission net.jini.io.DeSerializationPermission
permission net.jini.io.DeSerializationPermission
permission net.jini.io.DeSerializationPermission
permission net.jini.io.DeSerializationPermission "com.sun.jini.norm.*";
Another object in the stream PortableFactory (search the output
attached), is a constructor / factory capable of creating any object and
replacing itself during deserialization. It does so from unprivileged
context, to prevent it from creating a ClassLoader for example. This
stream is capable of transferring non Serializable objects by
reconstructing them remotely, this will be provided to allow a user to
use insecure Serializable instances without serializing them.
For example, deserializing an ArrayList that's been tampered with can
cause an OutOfMemoryError that takes down the jvm, so it's wiser to
serialize a size constrained array and recreate a new ArrayList from it
during deserialization, ValidatingObjectInputStream places a size
constraint on all deserialized arrays.
On 24/01/2015 12:41 AM, Chris Hegarty wrote:
> I have attempted to capture some of the ideas that we have discussed
> so far.
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8071471
> -Chris.
> On 21/01/15 21:43, David M. Lloyd wrote:
>> At some point, the responsibility *must* fall on the author of the
>> serializable class in question to avoid constructs which are exploitable
>> - like finalizers, and classes that can have side-effects before
>> validation can be completed.
>> On 01/21/2015 02:26 PM, Peter Firmstone wrote:
>>> Don't forget that "null" may also be an invalid state.
>>> What I have learnt so far:
>>> 1. An attacker can craft a stream to obtain a reference to any
>>> object
>>> created during deserialization, using finalizers or circular
>>> links
>>> (there may be yet other undiscovered methods).
>>> 2. An attacker can craft a stream that deliberately doesn't satisfy
>>> invariants, in order to use an object to perform a function that
>>> wasn't intended by its developer.
>>> 3. Objects that interact with the stream directly using
>>> readObject et
>>> al, are often prone to DOS. Example, many objects read a length
>>> integer from the stream when creating an array or collection,
>>> without first validating it.
>>> 4. Objects that interact directly with the stream become an implicit
>>> part of the stream protocol.
>>> 5. Once you allow an object to be created, it's too late to
>>> invalidate invariants, unless the class is final and invariants
>>> are checked in every method call.
>>> 6. We need to be able to restrict classes used for
>>> deserialization to
>>> those we trust to check invariants properly (but we haven't
>>> provided a way for them to avoid object construction yet).
>>> 7. A static validator method can ONLY be used to check field
>>> invariants, not other objects and primitives that are read
>>> directly from the stream by an arbitrary Object during the
>>> process
>>> of deserialization.
>>> 8. The jvm can be modified to delay finalizer registration for
>>> deserialization.
>>> 9. Circular links can be disallowed.
>>> Ultimately however, all proposed changes add complexity, but when an
>>> object has been created with invalid invariants, an attacker will
>>> find a
>>> way.
>>> Thank you all for your time, this has been a very good discussion.
>>> Regards,
>>> Peter.
>>> On 22/01/2015 2:27 AM, Chris Hegarty wrote:
>>>> On 20/01/15 20:22, Peter Levart wrote:
>>>>> Hi Chris and Peter,
>>>>> It just occurred to me that the following scheme would provide
>>>>> failure
>>>>> atomicity for the whole Object regardless of whether readObject
>>>>> methods
>>>>> are used or not for various classes in hierarchy:
>>>>> - allocate uninitialized instance
>>>>> - call default accessible constructor of the most specific
>>>>> non-Serializable class
>>>>> - deserialize (by calling readObject methods where provided) the
>>>>> fields
>>>>> of all classes in hierarchy like normally
>>>>> (up to this point, nothing is changed from what we have now)
>>>>> - if deserialization fails anywhere, undo everything by setting
>>>>> all the
>>>>> fields in the Serializable part of the hierarchy to default values
>>>>> (null
>>>>> for references, 0 for primitives), abandon the object and propagate
>>>>> failure.
>>>> I think this is a good idea, and I can prototype something to this
>>>> affect.
>>>> -Chris.
>>>>> While deserializing, the object is in inconsistent state. If
>>>>> deserialization fails, this state is rolled-back to uninitialized
>>>>> state.
>>>>> finalize() can still get to the instance, but it will be
>>>>> uninitialized.
>>>>> Peter
>>>>> On 01/14/2015 01:58 PM, Peter Firmstone wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Chris,
>>>>>> Sorry, no.
>>>>>> Currently when an ObjectStreamClass is read in from the stream, the
>>>>>> framework searches for the first zero arg constructor of a non
>>>>>> serializable class and creates and instance of the class read and
>>>>>> resolved from the stream, however it does so using a super class
>>>>>> constructor.
>>>>>> Then from the super class down, fields are read in and set in order
>>>>>> for each class in the object's inheritance hierarchy.
>>>>>> The alternative I propose, doesn't create the instance, instead it
>>>>>> reads the fields from the stream, one by one and without
>>>>>> instantiating
>>>>>> them, if they are newly read objects, stores them temporarily into
>>>>>> byte [] arrays in a Map with reference handle keys, otherwise it
>>>>>> just
>>>>>> holds the reference handle.
>>>>>> What it does next is wrap this information into a caller sensitive
>>>>>> api, GetFields or ReadSerial instance, that is passed as a
>>>>>> constructor
>>>>>> parameter to the child class serial constructor.
>>>>>> The child class checks invariants and reads each field it needs
>>>>>> using
>>>>>> a static method prior to calling a superclass constructor, each
>>>>>> class
>>>>>> in the inheritance hierarchy for the object then checks its
>>>>>> invariants
>>>>>> until it gets to the first non serializable superclass.
>>>>>> The benefit of this order is that each class is present in the
>>>>>> thread
>>>>>> security context, so protection domain security and invariants are
>>>>>> enforced before instantiating an object.
>>>>>> Hope this helps illuminate it a little better, regards,
>>>>>> Peter.
>>>>>> ----- Original message -----
>>>>>> > Peter F,
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > I am still struggling with the basic concept of you proposal.
>>>>>> Let me
>>>>>> see
>>>>>> > if I understand it correctly. Does the following describe a
>>>>>> similar
>>>>>> > scenario as you envisage:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > 1) For each Serializable type, T, in the deserialized types
>>>>>> > hierarchy, starting with the top most ( closest to
>>>>>> j.l.Object ),
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > 1a) Read T's fields from the stream, fields
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > 1b) validate(t, fields) // t will be null first time
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > 1c) allocate a new instance of T, and assign to t
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > 1d) set fields in t
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > 2) Return t;
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > So for each level in the hierarchy, an instance of a type is
>>>>>> created
>>>>>> > only after its invariants have been checked. This instance is then
>>>>>> > passed to the next level so it can participate in that levels
>>>>>> invariants
>>>>>> > validation.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > If this scenario is along the same lines as yours, then I just
>>>>>> don't
>>>>>> see
>>>>>> > how 1c above will always be possible.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > If we could somehow make the object caller sensitive until after
>>>>>> > deserialization completes, then could avoid having to try to
>>>>>> allocate
>>>>>> > multiple instance down the hierarchy.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > -Chris.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > On 13/01/15 10:24, Peter Firmstone wrote:
>>>>>> > > Could we use a static validator method and generate bytecode for
>>>>>> > > constructors dynamically?
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > > The developer can optionally implement the constructors.
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > > static GetField invariantCheck(GetField f);
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > > Create a caller sensitive GetField implementation and add a two
>>>>>> new
>>>>>> > > methods to GetField:
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > > abstract Object createSuper(); // to access superclass
>>>>>> objectmethods
>>>>>> > > for inavariant checking.
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > > abstract Class getType(String name);
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > > Set fields from within constructors.
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > > The generated constructors are straight forward:
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > > 1. Call static method.
>>>>>> > > 2. Call super class constructor with result from static method.
>>>>>> > > 3. Set final fields
>>>>>> > > 4. How to set transient fields, implement a private method
>>>>>> called
>>>>>> from
>>>>>> > > within the constructor?
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > > Require a permission to extend GetField?
>>>>>> > >
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