LogManager.readConfiguration doesn't document IAE and NPE.

Roger Riggs Roger.Riggs at Oracle.com
Wed Mar 18 17:03:32 UTC 2015


I think its up to loadConfiguration to handle (and specify) exceptions 
in methods that it calls.
IAE is not your ordinary RuntimeException.
IAE in calling Properties.load is an issue for loadConfiguration to 
handle; seems like it should
be turned into IOException in this case because it is because of a 
malformed properties file.

(I think IAE in Properties.load isn't the best choice of exception; 
though I can see how
it can identify the argument (InputStream) is at fault;  I'd have stuck 
to IOException)

$.02, Roger

On 3/18/2015 11:16 AM, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
> On 18/03/15 14:56, Jason Mehrens wrote:
>> Daniel,
>> It occurred to me after reading Brian's patch for 
>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8075362  that the 
>> LogManager.readConfiguration methods do not document NPE or IAE that 
>> can be triggered by Properties.load.  Do we need to file a bug just 
>> against logging or should larger bug be filed to check all of the JDK 
>> code that is calling Properies.load?
> Hi Jason,
> Thanks for the heads-up!
> java.util.logging has a blanket statement concerning NPE, stating that
> NPE will be thrown when parameters are null, unless null is explicitly
> permitted.
> I am not sure that we need to document every unchecked exception
> that might happen down the road. That could end up with pretty
> cluttered and obscure exception clauses.
> That said the case where IAE is thrown seems straightforward, so
> we might consider to add it to readConfiguration. Not sure whether
> that would require a CCC or not.
> Do others on this list have a strong opinion on this subject?
> best regards,
> -- daniel
>> Jason

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