[jdk9] RFR: 8164366: ZoneOffset.ofHoursMinutesSeconds() does not reject invalid input

Ivan Gerasimov ivan.gerasimov at oracle.com
Fri Aug 19 12:52:36 UTC 2016

Thanks Nadeesh.  It's a good catch!

Here's the updated webrev:

I also slightly modified comareTo(), not because there was an error in 
it, but just to avoid thinking too much about possible overflow in 
subtraction (of course, there can be no overflow here, as totalSeconds 
is bounded.)

Now we just need official blessing from the Reviewer.

With kind regards,

On 19.08.2016 9:01, nadeesh tv wrote:
> Hi Ivan,
> ZoneOffset.ofTotalSeconds(Integer.MIN_VALUE) have also the same issue. 
> It' not throwing the expected DTE.
> May be you can correct this also as part of this.
> Please update the copyright year also.
> Rest looks good.

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