RFR: 8153044: Allow a property to control location of tzdb.dat file

Seán Coffey sean.coffey at oracle.com
Thu Jul 7 18:44:08 UTC 2016

I'll (reluctantly) close this out then. I do think it was a convenient 
and low-maintenance feature that would allow end users the ability to 
bounce applications in an ordered fashion in order to pick up new tzdata 
rules. I'll investigate the upgradeable module approach.


On 07/07/2016 16:37, mark.reinhold at oracle.com wrote:
> 2016/7/7 8:02:21 -0700, scolebourne at joda.org:
>> I won't block this change, but I remain unenthused. There are other
>> ways to control the time-zone data, and since tzdb.dat is currently a
>> private format file that is part of the internals of the JDK, it seems
>> odd to be exposing it.
> I agree.  This is an internal implementation detail.  If we define this
> system property then it becomes something we'll have to document and
> support, likely for a very long time.  I suggest WNF.
>> Having the tzdb.dat as a versioned module that could be replaced, or
>> linked in would, by contrast, be potentially very useful.
> Hrm, now if we only had a module system ...
> - Mark

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