RFR 9: JDK-8168862:Tighten permissions granted to the jdk.zipfs module

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
Tue Nov 1 11:14:29 UTC 2016

Hi Sherman,

Disclaimer: I don't know anything about zipfs.

However, I find it suspicious that it doesn't need
a read permission for the "user.dir" system property.

Isn't that a permission that any file system provider
would need?

My experience is that tests which deal with files and
instantiate a security manager will usually grant
that permission to all code bases, so it would be an
easy permission to miss.

best regards,

-- daniel

On 31/10/16 20:26, Xueming Shen wrote:
> Please help review the change for
> issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8168862
> webre: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sherman/8168862
> The change is to tighten the permission to read "os.name" only.
> Thanks,
> Xueming

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