RFR: JDK-8172432,jar cleanup/update for module and mrm jar

Xueming Shen xueming.shen at oracle.com
Wed Jan 11 06:00:12 UTC 2017

On 1/10/17, 9:14 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
> I agree that you can depend on the validation done by 
> ModuleDescriptor::read as long as the jar tool reports the error 
> message gracefully (probably catch InvalidModuleDescriptorException 
> and output the error). It’d be good to add a comment to describe that 
> exports/opens package will be validated.

webrev has been updated to catch IMDE and fails the jar as other fatal 
error handing.


compared to last webrev, the changes are

(1) Main.java line#1839 checkModuleInfo(), renamed from checkServices(), 
in which the impl
catches the InvalidModuleDescriptorException for the open/exported pkg 

(2) Validator.java line#343 checkModuleDescriptor(), same as (1) above, 
the IMDE is
caught and handled, when the ModuleDescriptor object being checked is 
the first
versioned md (lowest) and there is NO root module-info.class, in which 
case, this
md is the base module-info.class

(3) couple test cases has been added in 
test/tools/jar/modularJar/Basic.java to test
above scenarios.

  If I’m not mistaken, this change also resolves 
https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8165640, right ?

To Chris, yes, 8165640 is being addressed as well here.


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