JDK-8067661: transferTo proposal for Appendable

Roger Riggs Roger.Riggs at Oracle.com
Mon Nov 13 14:35:52 UTC 2017

Hi Patrick,

Comments on http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~reinhapa/reviews/8067661/webrev.02:

74: "to an error" is a bit overloaded, perhaps "to an exception"


1567: "this buffer":  do you mean the "out buffer"

1578:  "The out buffer is this buffer": will read poorly out of context, 
perhaps:  "Illegal transfer of a buffer to itself"

1580: Perhaps confine "start" to the else case.

For the tests, an example of using RandomFactory is in 

Thanks, Roger

On 11/10/2017 4:42 AM, Patrick Reinhart wrote:
> An updated webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~reinhapa/reviews/8067661/webrev.01
>> A few comments:
>> Readable.java:
>>   67: + it may be worth mentioning that the input might not fit in output (as seen in the CharBuffer case)
>> Though I see we didn’t call that out in the other transferTo description but here it is more likely that the output is bounded.
> I tried to mention that now.
>> 77: "The total amount will be added up by after the write method has been completed." should not be part
>> of the @implSpec.  It is untestable and unnecessary. If an exception occurs the value is lost.
> I see that point - removed
>> 96: „in order not having the extra overhead creating" -> "to avoid the extra overhead of"
> done
>> X-Buffer.java.template:
>> 1555: „form" -> "from"
> done
>> 1554: I would avoid most of the details in the @implSpec since it is requiring a specific use of CharBuffer methods.
>> That's fine as an @ImplNote but restricts the implementation too much as spec.
>> (others will disagree)
>> 1565:  in the code, perhaps it should use an explicit RequireNonNull(out, „out") otherwise the NPE will be on put()/append().
> done
>> 1566: "insufficient space in this" refers to the source, not dest and it should only apply if out is a CharBuffer.
>>    Omit it or leave it more general;  that behavior is covered by the spec of the out Appendable.
>> 1568: I don’t see code to enforce:  "if out is this buffer"
> done
>> On the tests; had you considered using TestNG;
>> it provides some good structure and is preferred (AFAIK) for new tests.
> To be honest, no. The test for the Readable I basically copied from the InputStream and the one for CharBuffer I just did
> not think about… I will certainly consider that for the future :-)
>> As for Randomness, it is useful to be explicit about the seed used in the particular run so it can be
>> replayed if necessary.  There is a testlibrary function to do that if you don't want to code-your-own.
>> (test/jdk/test/lib/RandomFactory::getRandom())
> I will need some digging how to have the RandomFactory be added to the test class path…
>> Thanks, Roger

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