RFR 8213031: (zipfs) Add support for POSIX file permissions

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Mon Nov 5 10:22:53 UTC 2018

On 05/11/2018 07:32, Langer, Christoph wrote:
> Hi,
> Ping.
> May I get reviews/substantial feedback on this zipfs enhancement?
It might be bit early to be asking for a code review on just one piece 
of this. I think the first step on this feature has to be to put all the 
issues on the table. There are several discussion points around ZIP vs. 
JAR, the impact on signed JARs, carrying permissions without a file 
owner, and the impact on tools. I also think that there will need to be 
discussion on security-dev as some of these issues around this feature 
have security concerns.


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