RFR : 8211106: [windows] Update OS detection code to recognize Windows Server 2019

Baesken, Matthias matthias.baesken at sap.com
Tue Oct 2 13:01:06 UTC 2018

Hello, please  review  change 8211106 .

It  updates the  Windows  OS detection code to  recognize Windows Server 2019 .

For this we have to look at the build number (dwBuildNumber  of  OSVERSIONINFOEX),


because  dwMajorVersion  and dwMinorVersion  are the same  for  Windows server 2016  and  2019 .

The build number used to compare  ( 17677 )  is  for  Windows Server 2019 preview ,  most likely  the final version will have a higher build number but this is fine for the coding .

Bug/webrev :



Thanks, Matthias

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