RFR: JDK-8211161: java.lang.ArithmeticException: divide by zero from java.text.DecimalFormat.format()

Nasser Ebrahim enasser at in.ibm.com
Wed Sep 26 16:33:52 UTC 2018


In java.text.DecimalFormat.format(), there is a validation to check 
whether a number is negative zero or not and for that divide by zero is 
used to check for negative infinity which caused the ArithmeticException 
when SIGFPE is enabled in the system. Andrew has opened a bug on my 
behalf. Thank you Andrew.

The corresponding bug is https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8211161. 

The webrev and stand alone test case is uploaded to 
The recreate step is documented in the bug description.

I have tested the fix with the test cases of the following bugs and 
confirm that it is working.

I did not add any new jtreg test for the current issue as it is not 
functional. Hope that is fine.

Kindly request you to review and comment.

Thank you,
Nasser Ebrahim

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