jpackage: file-associations report wrong argument count

Andy Herrick andy.herrick at
Fri Dec 13 15:27:25 UTC 2019

yes - I can see this problem locally on windows and have filed 
JDK-8235915 <> to 
address it.


On 12/13/2019 2:45 AM, Daniel Peintner wrote:
> All,
> I tried to use jpackage file-associations option to associate a given
> extension. This works fine. The program gets launched with the given
> argument (e.g., double clicking file on Windows).
> I have noticed though that the argument may be split due to possible
> whitespaces in the filename.
> e.g., clicking on file C:\ works fine but C:\part1 gets
> broken up into 2 arguments.
> It looks the argument needs to be wrapped in quotes so that a Java program
> gets the right argument:
> ["C:\part1"]
> instead of
> ["C:\part1", ""]
> as currently reported.
> Note: This used to work in the case of the "old" javapackager.
> Is this a known issue? I did not find a related issue here [1]
> Thanks,
> -- Daniel
> [1]

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