jpackage DMG creation trouble

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Wed Jun 12 13:04:42 UTC 2019

Or if you only want the app in the dmg:

     jpackage create-installer --installer-type dmg

-- Kevin

On 6/12/2019 6:02 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
> This will likely change so that only a single package is created by 
> jpackage. The current EA version creates all possible package types 
> for a given platform by default, even when that doesn't make sense (as 
> on a typical Linux machine which either has Debian or RPM tools, but 
> typically not both).
> To answer your question, you can do the following today:
>     jpackage create-installer --installer-type pkg
> -- Kevin
> On 6/11/2019 6:04 PM, Jeff Carpenter wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I'm working (for jClarity) on building some installers with jpackage. 
>> Now whenever I build a dmg image, I get both the app image *and *a 
>> pkg installer inside said dmg. Is there a way I can get just the app 
>> image in the dmg?
>> Thanks,
>> Jeff

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