jpackage DMG creation trouble

Andy Herrick andy.herrick at
Wed Jun 12 13:28:41 UTC 2019

I think the question here was what is in the dmg image.

The dmg could be an image of the pkg, or an image of the application.

Jeff says "I get both the app image *and *a pkg installer inside said dmg."

We need to look into that.


On 6/12/2019 9:04 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
> Or if you only want the app in the dmg:
>     jpackage create-installer --installer-type dmg
> -- Kevin
> On 6/12/2019 6:02 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
>> This will likely change so that only a single package is created by 
>> jpackage. The current EA version creates all possible package types 
>> for a given platform by default, even when that doesn't make sense 
>> (as on a typical Linux machine which either has Debian or RPM tools, 
>> but typically not both).
>> To answer your question, you can do the following today:
>>     jpackage create-installer --installer-type pkg
>> -- Kevin
>> On 6/11/2019 6:04 PM, Jeff Carpenter wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I'm working (for jClarity) on building some installers with 
>>> jpackage. Now whenever I build a dmg image, I get both the app image 
>>> *and *a pkg installer inside said dmg. Is there a way I can get just 
>>> the app image in the dmg?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jeff

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